Soon, the WT CD containing all the old publications will be out of production, and you will have the sanitized, bleached, and re-worded online version only.
So true and this of course is done intensionally so that new converts don't see the WTS's past teachings/doctrines which
were instigated and inspired upon their attainable commercial attributes rather than their actual truthfulness.
The WTS has never cared for or inspired itself upon truthfulness, it did whatever it needed to do to attract attention to its
published goods. That why when a specific doctrine fails upon its accuracy the WTS. just says we were over anxious
or we are just imperfect men, as just recently noted.
Under this business strategy the WTS can profess or proclaim whatever it wants, using these proclamations to attract
attention to its literature and when those proclamations fail or become useless they too can be dropped
as simple impropriety .
Wash cycle rinse and repeat, thats unregulated religious freedom in America, take it or leave it.