No Holy Spirit, just likes and dislikes and mechanical pre made decisions.
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 93 Replies latest jw friends
The Watchtower makes it so that you could support either viewpoint simultaneously depending on exactly which portion of their literature you wish to quote from.
Even though they explicitly say that their decisions and appointments are merely guided by the holy spirit in that they supposedly follow the spirit-inspired Scriptures, they nevertheless seek to subtly lead people into assuming that there is some kind of direct, supernatural connection with the holy spirit in their case. And, of course, this easily-concocted assumption made by many from “reading between the lines” really plays right into their hands. In other words, people are led to assume that their literature does, in fact, naturally make this assumption of divine revelation – but if you were to try to call them on it, they could simply point to those other statements which admit that they are, in reality, just being guided by the holy spirit through prayer and Scriptural meditation (as well as their own local deliberations).
They promote either perspectives, and it’s sort of like using the various facets of a physical diamond or prism – you can conjure, or highlight, any color you want to appear just by the angle you hold it at. And just like they say, in tennis or skipping stones, . . . it really is all in “the flick of the wrist.”
Scientifically speaking, I believe that the reference to and belief in the “holy spirit” is really a self-hypnotic mechanism which has the effect of aiding the person’s own memory recall and putting the person in a more receptive mental cognitive mode (i.e., alpha brainwave range) so as to be better able to think objectively and logically. And, of course, any positive results which may arise from such an improved state of clarity would be attributed to some existential and divine type of source – in effect becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
" The Watchtower makes it so that you could support either viewpoint simultaneously depending on exactly which portion of thier literature you wish to quote from_____SAHS
The WTS is good at trynna " Lead " people in different directions to try and cover their butts
They also claim that there is only one viewpoint and that comes from the Bible
" What is holy spirit ?
A comparison of Bible texts that refer to the holy spirit shows that it is spoken of as ' filling ' people. None of these expressions would be appropriate if the holy spirit were a person"___Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 380
" Even though they explicitly say that thier decisions and appointments are merely guided by the holy spirit in that they supposedly follow the spirit inspired scriptures "___SAHS
Accordin' to the scriptures that the WTS " compared " in the Bible, you can only be " Filled" wit the holy spirit
And the guidance you follow comes from within
And yet under the chapter of FALSE PROPHETS in the Reasoning Book
this so called " Spirit Directed Organization " claim not to be inspired from within because they have made mistakes
" Have not Jehovah's Witnesses made errors in thier teachings ?
Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets, They have made mistakes."_____Reasoning from the Scriptures Book page 136
But on page 133 in the Reasoning book the WTS claim to meet all the qualifications of a True Prophet
that speak in the name of God
The Bible shows where the apostles imagine and questioned, NOT TAUGHT
things that need to be " ADJUSTED " wit " Nu light "
The WTS is trynna distance themselves from bein fingered as FALSE PROPHETS
Ain't workin". Cuz they have been fingered as such