My goodness Ben57! In what cave have you been! You cannot be more wrong on all of this... and your ignoring of the clear quotes provided makes me wonder if you are simply a troll!?
Appointed by holy spirit
by Ben57 93 Replies latest jw friends
JW GoneBad
Good find wasblind:
" Just as Jehovah uses holy spirit to appoint a man, by means of that same holy spirit , Jehovah will remove from office those overseers who fail to manifest the fruitage of the spirit "______Organized to do Jehovah's Will Book page 38
JW GoneBad
I guess it can also be said that:
'Just as Jehovah used holy spirit to help the GB write the Watchtower and Awake articles and other literature, Jehovah will use that same holy spirit to make all erroneous and faulty informatoin in those articles disappear by way of the new WT online Research Guide!'
At our week long elder's meeting just two years ago, this came up. The instructor asked: how is it that elders are appointed by holy spirit? From my recollection, here's the basic process.
1. Elders pray for holy spirit when they are reviewing brothers' qualifications. The holy spirit can act during that meeting on any elder to bring up something that may disqualify a brother.
2. Elders pray again at the meeting with the C.O. for holy spirit when actually making the recommendation. Holy spirit can act during that meeting, especially on the C.O. as he observes the brother during the week.
3. When the recommendation is sent into the service department, the brother getting the recommendation form may have something jogged in his memory. Perhaps the brother's name was in front of him before. He will look at the files there at the branch. Holy spirit may direct him to some information that could disqualify a brother.
4. The brother is approved by the branch, and the approval is sent back. The brother is asked the standard questions about whether there is anything that would prevent him from serving. Holy spirit may act on that brother right then and there if something is a problem.
Funny, now that I've written it down, it appears that holy spirit takes an active role in deciding whether a brother should NOT be appointed. LOL!
So, yes, they absolutely teach that elders are appointed by holy spirit. In addition, (not sure whether this was already mentioned), but there is a recent reference to this teaching:
w12 10/15 p. 14 par. 8:
Thus, as Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus has full control of the bodies of elders. If someone on a body truly needs correction, the One who has “eyes as a fiery flame” will see to it that this is done in His own time and way. (Rev. 1:14) In the meantime, we maintain proper respect for those appointed by holy spirit, for Paul wrote: “Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you.”—Heb. 13:17.
A New day. I have been reading through the rest of the comments, and the more I read the more proof comes out of what I said.
My whole line of reasoning is that no one can blame the holy spirit for the failings of men. The holy spirit does not actually play any active roll other then being involved in writing the Bible. When we follow the council in the Bible we are following the holy spirit.
Look at all those quotes CAFREFUULY. The quote posted by ThomasCovenant says it
*** w01 1/15 p. 14 par. 12 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed *** This is how he emphasised the quote
''Those meeting the Scriptural requirements at the time of their appointment as overseers or ministerial servants may thus be said to have been appointed by holy spirit.''
I want to emphasise some other words in that quote “may thus be said “ SO - at the time of their appointment, it would appear to those recommending the appointment, that the in being appointed meats the scriptural qualifications. The part the holy spirit has in making the appointment is that it appears as if the man is heading the direction of the Bible. There would be men that actually dogenuinely meet the Biblical regiments. And then there would be those that have put on a false front for the power of being in authority.
pixel can see what I am saying when he said “Elders and servants are not picked by Holy Spirit guidance, but by "How-Many-Hours-You-Preach-As-Average" I know of men serving as MS's that have purposely kept they hours just below what is considered a requirement (not a scriptural one at that but a man mad one) so as not to be appointed as an elder. Others bust their boilers to meat meet the requirement
wasblind you quoted form the reasoning book page 384
If Someone Says_____
' Do you have the holy spirit ( or the Holy Ghost ) ?'
You might reply : ' Yes, and that is why I have come to your door today '
Or you could say : ' That is what makes it possible for me to share in the Christian ministry'
Now all that is saying is that by following the direction of Bible to preach we are following the direction of the holy spirit. That is we can say “ Yes, and that is why I have come to your door today” - not because the holy spirit in some miraculous way has literally moved the individual but because that individual has read the Bible that was inspired bu holy spirit and following the direction to preach
So then ben,
when the house holder asks me to explain the generation from those inspired scriptures,
(which has happened to me last week)
how should I reply ??
p.s. I will post my reply (which of course had no scriptural basis) on another thread in time.
leaving_quietly think about it carefully some of the things that you wrote in line with the Bibles council.
When and if an elder stops and thinks very carefully about a person I am am sure some elders do, then they might actual remember a point that the one under consideration may not actually meet all the requirement. He is just using his memory and knowledge of what the holy spirit has had written in the Bible. There is nothing supernatural about that Point 3 shows a jogged memory.
Point 4 only works if the brother is honest. Reading some of the accounts on the thread about who on this forum is or was an elder shows that Many that wrote there accounts there showed that they were not honest when that question was asked.
The holy spirit does not jump up and come into play. It works only in the way that the people are honest or that some one just happens to remember something from the past. That is not the holy spirit in operation.
Come on now people get real and use your God give powers of reason none of those quotes that have been given show that the holy spirit (apart form what one knows from the Bible) has any active roll in the sense of a]getting up and doing something. The active roll is simply in people remembering what is already said and then applying what has been said in the Bible
Ben57 - the more proof comes out of what I said.
Wow, that is embarrassing. Why then didn't you address the quotes I supplied?
SMH. He's got to be yanking our chains. There's no way this can be for real.