To Active JWs Your January 2, 2014 Daily Text Contains an Error

by PelicanBeach 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PelicanBeach

    Hi Laika,


  • PelicanBeach


    Hairline cracks are appearing in the congregations. The GB's stature is slowly crumbling.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    We live in unique times with tools never before available to minformed religious people (=INTERNET) the GB's authority is on it's way out

  • pixel

    I checked on their Kingdom Interlinear and it says Lord.

  • PelicanBeach

    Thanks Pixel.

  • marek

    Hiya. Just would like to quote Adamah "So per Romans, only those who call on the name of the Lord (whether Jesus or Jehovah) will be saved FROM who's destruction?Answer: Jehovah's wrathful destruction".

    1. For those who not believe - I find quite illogical that non believers quote the Bible, just to prove what? That God does not exist?

    2. In aspect of the above qute - does really Jwhowah, Jesus or any diety need to destroy anything? Can you not see how much destruction humans bring to the Earth? Can you not see how much pollution in the air, water, land there is. And how much people kill each other? Is this all God doing. As a metter of fact God does not need to do anything we will kill each other soon. And to be fair if there is suppose to be God intervention - it should be to prevent Earth from total destruction by humans!!!

    3. As for me, there is interesting message in the Bible - only a few first verses. If to follow the Bible - God is like the Landlord - onwer of the House _Earth. And He only say to people " to be fruitfull, enjoy life on Earth and serve Earth well". He didnt ask people to build temples to look for some "truths" or salvation or to be saved etc. It is so obviouse. If you rent your house to tenants what you expect from them? To respect it, follow the rules, and contact who if needed too? Mr X, Mr Y or the Landlord? So if there is Jehowah God does exist as a great engineer, he would expect people to respect his property and the owner, right? But because of greed already first humans did killings and eat what was forbidden.. It is not God did, or Snake;-))) It is our actions, and only our responsibilieties. If Jehowah God does exist he is still too kind to tolerate our presence here way to long, but it is perhaps just to search for those who indeed do try to respect him (call on His name) and his Land. So I would say for me it is make sense to have hope that there is a chance to enjoy different Earth ( I am not JW and I am not expect only Jw can have hope). I just only try to earn with my actions a chance, another chance if there is such can be possible...-)))

  • scary21

    Isn't there a scripturse that says Jesus name is above any name ? The only name to be saved by ?

  • adamah

    Marek said- 1. For those who not believe - I find quite illogical that non believers quote the Bible, just to prove what? That God does not exist?

    Uh, exactly for the purpose I stated: to point out the circular logic used in Xianity theology (and understand that showing God's non-existence is another topic). Believers are mentally quite facile, capable of cycling between contradictory positions as if their brains are more malleable than a young Russian gymnast (a skill needed to avoid cognitive dissonance).

    In fact, since you responded and no one else is seemingly able, perhaps you would like to resolve the basic illogic I mentioned?

    Why does the NT indicate that Jehovah gives some people the faith to believe in Jesus (AFTER they ask Him pretty-please), where the Bible elsewhere says those who believe in Jesus are to be saved from Jehovah? Have you not heard of the "good cop/bad cop" motif, where both are actually playing on the same side (with both useful icons to control people)? Esp when functionally-speaking, 'faith' is indistinguishable from 'gullibility', where both require shutting down one's cognitive abilities?

    From where I'm sitting (and esp for anyone who's had even the slightest bit of involvement with Xianity), religion is indistinguishable from a Ponzi scheme (only spiritual), and one that relies on word-of-mouth personal testimonials, and door-to-door 'sales'.

    Marek said- 2. In aspect of the above qute - does really Jwhowah, Jesus or any diety need to destroy anything? Can you not see how much destruction humans bring to the Earth? Can you not see how much pollution in the air, water, land there is. And how much people kill each other? Is this all God doing. As a metter of fact God does not need to do anything we will kill each other soon. And to be fair if there is suppose to be God intervention - it should be to prevent Earth from total destruction by humans!!!

    You've learned the Debby Downer doom-and-gloom message of the JWs quite well, since, shocker as it may be to you, on most counts conditions on the Planet are actually improving over the past centuries, not getting worse. And that's no thanks to the "do-nothing while we pray for a solution from God" types, when mankind is making significant advancements in treating many diseases (including cancers) that were virtual death sentences only a few decades ago.

    BTW, humans are incapable of destroying the Planet Earth, only all human life on it. Even if we had a nuke war today (which is less-likely, given the collapse of USSR, arms control/disarmament treaties, etc), the Planet would eventually recover with time, only without humans along for the ride.

    Marek said- 3. As for me, there is interesting message in the Bible - only a few first verses. If to follow the Bible - God is like the Landlord - onwer of the House _Earth. And He only say to people " to be fruitfull, enjoy life on Earth and serve Earth well". He didnt ask people to build temples to look for some "truths" or salvation or to be saved etc.

    No? Have you NOT read the Tanakh (Old Testament), where God explicitly instructs humans to build altars to worship Him, commands Moses to build the Tabernacle (Exodus 25/35) and even gives King David explicit details on how the First Temple was to be built (God didn't give David permission to build it, since his hands were too bloodied by war; instead, King Solomon was to build the Temple, in 1st Chronicles)?

    Gotta ask, but have you even read the Bible?

    It is so obviouse. If you rent your house to tenants what you expect from them? To respect it, follow the rules, and contact who if needed too? Mr X, Mr Y or the Landlord? So if there is Jehowah God does exist as a great engineer, he would expect people to respect his property and the owner, right? But because of greed already first humans did killings and eat what was forbidden..

    For one, God didn't prohibit bloodshed until AFTER the Flood (Genesis 9:5). Ooops, since God forgot to tell mankind not to do that (better late than never, I suppose).

    For two, God's command not to eat the fruit has a fundamental problem with the story: how did Eve KNOW it was a good idea to obey Jehovah's instructions, when Eve desired to eat the fruit which promised to GRANT her wisdom after she ate it?

    That issue is called the "Paradox of Adam and Eve", and the NWBTS doesn't want their members to realize it even exists, since they altered their Bible translation to try and hide the problematic details.

    Marek said- 3. It is our actions, and only our responsibilieties. If Jehowah God does exist he is still too kind to tolerate our presence here way to long, but it is perhaps just to search for those who indeed do try to respect him (call on His name) and his Land. So I would say for me it is make sense to have hope that there is a chance to enjoy different Earth ( I am not JW and I am not expect only Jw can have hope). I just only try to earn with my actions a chance, another chance if there is such can be possible...-)))

    It's not possible, hence there's no need to kiss any Almighty Ass, since the Bible has all the unmistakable fingerprints of ancient mortal priests who wanted to control the hoi polloi, and simply followed in the well-worn footsteps of those who lived before and found beliefs in Gods were a great way to control others (if you have the stomach for manipulating others, as if they're puppets on strings).

    You might win the lottery, too, but unlike religion, very few people get addicted to playing the lottery and waste all their lifes savings by asking "but what if I win?"


  • PelicanBeach


  • Legacy

    @ Pixel,

    Is the Kingdom Interlear on line ?


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