Sign this petition - Investigation On Jehovahs Witnesses Religious Policy That Violates Human Rights and Abuses Religious Freedom

by TJ Curioso 170 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Human Rights Violation???? Seriously? It's just a stupid religion. Is there some "Tom Foolery" and deception going on? Sure. Human rights violations? c'mon now! Everything that happens whether it be you choosing to leave the religion or your friends and family choosing to shun you is done on one's free will. Nobody is threatening violence here. It's an exercise of free will and freedom of religion. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Do they need to face the music on covering up child abuse cases? Of course, but let's be honest here; the JW's are small potatoes in this category compared to other religions.

  • jonahstourguide

    @ azazel

    The jws have had their day before the commission, there is a transcript around somewhere


  • tootired2care


  • rmt1

    Wearewatchingyouman: by your logic human rights exist solely in the context of the threat of violence. Meaning, JWs have a basic human right to not be dragged physically to a meeting, dragged physically into a door-to-door sales and proselytizing effort, dragged physically to the gates of the city and banished from friends and family, etc. I agree that those are great human rights to have. It's fortunate for your logic that JWs do not threaten the violence of having their eyeballs picked out by vultures and flesh falling away. It's also fortunate for your logic that every single JW that ever existed grew up out in the world to a mature thinking ability, understood the difference between emotional coercion, emotional abuse, the threat of abandonment, even as minors, and the threat of violence, so that, on that one fine day they mistakenly found themselves, whoops, as a baptized JW, they were very clear headed about what constituted their basic human right to refuse to do this or that thing, which may not make sense to them, and the threat of violence.

    May I have the honor of hearing how long, and from what age, you were in this "Just a stupid religion"?

  • Simon

    For all those touting "rights" let me ask you this:

    • Do you have the right to chose whether to talk to someone or not?
    • Can someone force you to associate with people you don't want to?

    Isn't that what it boils down to? You can't force people to talk to you. If your family is stupid and choses to shun you, there is no recourse. They have the right to do that even though it is morally wrong and idiotic. Everyone has the right to be stupid and to make bad decisions.

    This is why the petition is so badly worded - it's actually arguing for less freedom, for the government (one has to presume) to be able to step in and make decisions on who should talk to who.

    Really? Someone thinks that is an achievable goal?

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Exactly Simon.

    @mt1 - I was in "the stupid religion" from birth until I was 18 when I moved out of my elder father's and full time pioneer step mom's house and joined the military (I promise you I witnessed more "human rights violations" in eight weeks of boot camp than I did my entire life as a JW). I left of my own free will unbaptised. I appreciate that some people eat this garbage up with a spoon, or they give into the pressure to be baptised from family and friends and thus it ruined their lives and relationships. Fortunately, I wasn't one of them.

  • ShirleyW

    If there is anything or anyone that brings down the Borg, it won't be a signed petition.

    The way the media operates now, I think only if someone on the Top Ten Billionaires List has a relative that dies from a refusing blood or something and they sue the Borg for 10B or something, that will be the only way their dirty ways will be brought to light, that and if some crazy Dubs do a Jim Jones kool-aid thing.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    not even a high precision nuclear strike would bring down the org. the only thing that eventually/hopefully brings them down is themselves and their stupid rules and teachings.

    as for human rights: it's a shitty religion, but there are worse. scientology. islam. young earth creationists (although they got a few babes there.. hmmm...)

  • Simon

    Scene 1

    Man with beard shuffles in and slumps into a chair away from the others.

    "hey man, you ok?" says a voice.

    He looks up. "just leave me alone" he says.

    "it's OK, we all feel down from time to time", the voice intrudes, ignoring his request, "what is it? maybe I can help"

    "you can't!" he barks. "I spent 10 years in gitmo".

    He hesitates and his voice loses it's strength.

    "I was tortured".

    The silence doesn't last as long as it should before another squeeky voice chimes in.

    "Hey, me too!"

    "you were in gitmo too?" says the man, with deep understanding in his voice

    "Oh no, but my mommy stopped talking to me because I left their religion" chimes squeeky

    "What the fuck?" says the first man, "you think that is at all the same?!?"

    "Oh yes, my human rights were violated too" says the squeeky voice "but I faught back - I signed a PETITION!!"

    the first man stares at the sqeeky-voiced idiot for quite a while before punching him in the face.

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    Every one as the right to don't talk to anyone he or she don't want. But the question is:

    Can a religion use of coersion and pression thru leaders to lead You to do that? Especially a religion that enjoy freedom of speech and proud of is conquests of religion's freedom?

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