Thanks for the list. I'd visited several of those branches. Some were quite small. But many were large, new, and very nice. I can only guess that the value of all that property is in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Add to that the fact that WT income is no longer spent on upkeep of all those beautiful properties, and there's an obvious question:
Anybody that's been an MS realizes how congregations are required to keep careful financial records that are reported to the congregation, audited within the congregation, and checked at every CO visit. If the nickel-and-dime congregations are so carefully scrutanized, shouldn't every level of the organization be open to public audit and review? Is a late deposit of $25 in the account of Podunk congregation any big deal when hundreds of millions of dollars disappear into the secrecy of WT Corporation?
"Oh, such financial mismanagement would never happen in this organization!" ... Hmmm, every hear of a guy named Judas Iscariot?