The American Constitution versus the 'Kingdom of God'.

by yadda yadda 2 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    I thought this comparison between the American Constitution and the 'Kingdom of God' was very interesting from an article in this ex-Mormon's excellent website

    The article notes how America's founding father's were Deists, not Bible-believing Christians.

    But our nation is also a system of government, not just a society. The Constitution is about government, not about society. One would be hard-pressed to find anywhere in the Bible the governmental principles on which our Constitution is founded. Basically, they are:

    • power to govern comes from the governed, the people;
    • the government is the servant of the people;
    • the people elect those who govern;
    • almost all who govern serve for a limited, stated term (some judges are an exception);
    • the laws are made by the representatives selected by the people;
    • the government treats all equally;
    • the individual enjoys personal freedom of speech, religion, association, etc.;
    • the three branches of government act as checks on each others' power.

    Searching for these principles in the Bible, or among "Christian principles" one comes up empty-handed, and yet these are the very fundamental principles of American government, without which America is unthinkable.

    Can we find governmental principles in the Bible? Yes. The "Kingdom of God," supposedly the ideal form of government, is based on these principles:

    • power to govern comes from God;
    • the people are the servants of God;
    • those who govern are selected by God;
    • God's governing representatives serve as long as they obey God;
    • the laws are handed down from God, through his appointed representatives;
    • no one is allowed to object to any law;
    • non-believers will not be tolerated; "every knee shall bow..."
    • speaking against God or his representatives will be punished (blasphemy)

    This starkly demonstrates how undemocratic and unconstitutional the JW system of governance is (and most religions, for that matter). It's very similar to how a medieval monarch operates, where the King is believed to be appointed by God and holds absolute power over the people by divine mandate. It was the need to get away from this false and corrupt form of governance that led to the creation of the American Republic and the American Constitution.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Well duh. all earthly governments are the product of Satan. This includes America. How dare you compare God's loving Theocracy to Satan's Monarchies of the world!

  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx for posting that comparison YY2. Its Informative.

    We do get some insight into the intended operation of Christianity by examining, the Roman Church, the Coptic Church and the Orthodox church. There were some others, but they have largely disappeared.

    Our former loving brothers and sisters, in their chosen organisation form bear a strong resemblance to these other churches.

  • tootired2care

    He's right there is no comparison to the Celestial Dictatorship. What the hell do they all do up there anyways...LOL.


  • wearewatchingyouman

    Looks like they're on the cutting edge of psychadelics to me. God's got the good stuff.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What is really interesting about this for me is that liberal western democracy, based on the principles of the American Constitution, as inspired by the great philosphers such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, David Hume, John Locke et al, is indisputably acknowledged by most as the ideal form of government. It is spreading around the world, since it works. Forms of governance at the opposite end of the political spectrum, ie, authoritarianism and dictatorships, are tending to disappear over time.

    Now given that clear trend, if we are made in 'God's image' (Gen 1:26), it means that the American Constitution and its high principles based on bottom-up rule, equality and liberty is surely much closer to the form of government that reflects what it means to be 'in God's image.'

    As long as this clear trend continues of the spread of liberal western democracy based on these universally recognised principles, how can it be claimed by JW's that man cannot rule himself?

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The reason Mormons are strict constitutionalists is that it's the BEST form of government when man must govern himself. Theocracy works BEST when the leaders receive revelation from God. The kingdom in Daniel 2 implies that no human dominion will be needed as we slip into the Millennium. Also, a righteous people need almost no governing, for they govern themselves. A wicked people need despotic government to maintain peace.

    Mormon prophecy indicates severe tribulation in the earth just prior to the return of Christ. Now, Israel is under the nuclear umbrella of the United States and no nation dares move against it. But the time is rapidly coming when the United States will rather suddenly cease to being a world superpower. It's ability to project military strength will decline to unsustainable levels. Then, without the United States, a major kingdom will arise (most likely in Turkey), which will consolidate power in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Then it will at some point decide to attack Israel and retake Jerusalem. That will be the great battle of Armageddon which leads to the return of the Messiah.

    When the government of God is established, it will be a theocracy, with a strong connection to the freedoms contained in the bill of rights. People will have the freedom to believe as they choose and if people sin, it will be because they choose to. These are, in a nutshell, the beliefs of the LDS faith. With the return of Christ, many will be destroyed at his coming. But these will be murderers, despots, and the lowest element of people. But those who are decent, honorable people of the earth, will be spared.

    Will everyone be happy with a theocracy? Probably not. But people will see the incredible improvement with the way the nations are governed. The only scriptural resistance noted by the prophets is that spoken by the prophet Zechariah, who in Chapter 14 indicates that many Muslims at first will not be cooperative with the new government. Those among those nations that will not go up to Jerusalem to take part in the feast of tabernacles will be "encouraged" to reconsider, partially through drought and physical plagues. Eventually, Zechariah states, they'll go.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Fascinating ColdSteel, I had no idea of those Mormon beliefs.

    With the return of Christ, many will be destroyed at his coming. But these will be murderers, despots, and the lowest element of people. But those who are decent, honorable people of the earth, will be spared.

    That sounds a lot more reasonable and humane than the JW version of Armageddon.

    Interestingly, C T Russell never believed that most of humankind will be destroyed at Armaggedon. He believed the judgment of the ignorant masses occurs during the millennial reign, not before. He recognised it would be unjust for God to exterminate sinful mankind during Armaggedon if the resurrected dead get a second chance at life. Everyone must get a second chance he taught, even Adam.

  • Ruby456


    As long as this clear trend continues of the spread of liberal western democracy based on these universally recognised principles, how can it be claimed by JW's that man cannot rule himself?

    if the liberal democracy that is seeking to be universally applied is patriarchal and/or imperialistic then jehovahs witnesses would be correct

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    And the JW's alternative of "God's Kingdom rule" isn't patriarchal or imperialistic?

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