The American Constitution versus the 'Kingdom of God'.

by yadda yadda 2 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ruby456

    yadda yaddda,

    man cannot rule himself if you have an elite set of people applying rules for their own benefit and then seek to have the whole world obey them - when this happensideas of God rule and of God's kingdom come into theirs own. By this means people are galvanised to overthrow what they perceive as corrupt and what they perceive as oppressing them.

    I agree with liberal democracratic principles but certainly do not fully agree with the founding fathers, conception of liberal democracy especially to the extent that it was based on the philosophers you mention.

    edit:btw please don't take it that I am defending jehovahs witnesses as i am not. what I am defending is the bible principle - man cannot rule himelf - I think jehovahs witness are correct on this but this does not mean as they suggest that we should not participate in politics. ONOH when people appear to reject democracy in favour of God rule it is usually because the supposedly democratic nation is being hypocritcal.

  • Space Madness
    Space Madness

    • power to govern comes from the governed, the people;
    • the government is the servant of the people;
    • the people elect those who govern;
    • almost all who govern serve for a limited, stated term (some judges are an exception);
    • the laws are made by the representatives selected by the people;
    • the government treats all equally;
    • the individual enjoys personal freedom of speech, religion, association, etc.;
    • You forgot to mention the principles that include the genocide of the Native Americans, the enslavement of Aficans, stealing other people's land, and the mistreatment of women. The founding fathers enganged in every time of human rights violation imaginable, including rape (Thomas Jefferson). Those "men" were no better than the Nazis, in many ways they were much worse.
  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Then what a pity the nazi's didn't conquer Europe then Spacemadness. If they had, then today Europe would be very similar to the USA I'm sure.

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