Why do the Governing Body do it ??

by Phizzy 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    When I was an active JW the constant demands for loyalty and obedience to the GB used to really annoy me, and Mrs Phizzy.

    Why on earth do they do it in such a shrill, screaming and obvious way ?

    They sound like spoilt kids, "You must play the game our way".

    It was partly that constant harping that really helped me to wake up, I came to see just how much they had usurped the place of Jesus.

    Surely it is counter-productive to do the demands as they do, loud and blatant. They could get the same results with a seemingly humble attitude, after all, the new Pope is the Vicar of Christ by title, but he comes over as humble.

  • sir82

    It's all they know how to do.

    Creativity and original thought and constructive bottom-up criticism are thoroughly squelched at every level in the JW hierarchy, from lowly microphone-carrier to Bethel big-wig.

    Anyone who makes it to the top of this organization has had any ability to think "outside the box" utterly destroyed, if he ever had it at all.

    So, if the GB wants more obedience, they just print "obey us or God will you" articles using 1- and 2-syllable words and lots of scary pictures.

    Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and.....

  • DS211

    My question is whats the point? Do they carry home the money that comes in? Do they have a luxurious life because of all this power? Or is it that they truly believe that they are who they say they are? what motive is it behind them to control all these people? For many cults its so its leader or leader cqn get rich and buy nice houses and cars, etc. Granted Rutherford did this but what proof do we have that the leaders today are that way?

  • sir82

    what motive is it behind them to control all these people?


    Living a life of prestige and glory.

    Having the ability to travel literally anywhere in the world (first class air and accomodations as a perk, of course) and have thousands, or 10's of thousands, come to see YOU.

    They will stand in line for hours just to be able to take a photo of themselves with you, or shake your hand. Dozens if not hundreds of rich JWs shower you with envelopes stuffed with cash, or free vacations, or free cars, or free [whatever], in hopes of return favors.

    Your every word is taken as gospel truth. If you are of the opinion that, for example, a man who gets a vasectomy is breaking God's law, you just write a "QFR" and voila! Your opinion now has the same weight as the 10 commandments in the minds of 7 million + people.

    The money, the first class travel, etc., is nice, but the real draw is POWER.

    It is far more thrilling and addictive than raw heroin.

    Dictators around the world kill for that kind of power. Kim Jong Un had his uncle eaten by ravenous dogs to ensure his grip on POWER.

    The GB has it much easier - their subjects are far more compliant (and gullible).

  • AlphaMan

    Why do the Governing Body do it ?

    That's a very good question. I remember how weird and wrong it felt when the Governing Body this & that first started appearing in every meeting & prayer. Many people have reported being stumbled by this, so you think they would back off on allowing this, but they obviously love the worship from the JW's. In the end it's all about CULT CONTROL.

  • bigmac

    i just think the watchtower society has its business plan all wrong.

    why make the message appeal to the rank and file--so often the poorest in society---OK--these poor souls might like the new world dream--but most of them havent got a pot to piss in.

    by relaxing all this crowd control nonsense--maybe the cult might attract more intelligent afluent types---and get higher value donations flowing in.

    i wonder how this cult compares to the mormons in this regard.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    And I really think they believe their own hype. They've deluded themselves into thinking they are God's mouthpiece on earth. They can't be doing it for the money because they seem to make bad decisions when it comes to money (such as not charging for literature to avoid sales taxes in the US, banning college for members, etc). Sure, they do implement some recommendations from business type folks but I know I could maximize profits much better with a few tweaks.

  • NewYork44M

    Power is a wonderful thing - if you have it, that is.

    The problem with power is keeping it. What you see from the GB has nothing to do with your relationship with god but everything to do with maintaining their power.

    Once you disengage, their power disappears and they are just a bunch of grumpy old men waiting to die.

  • Finkelstein

    Why do the Governing Body do it ??

    Power, living sustainability (retirement), uplifted personal stature of runing a world wide

    billion dollar publishing house.

    With all that at hand it would easy to see what the WTS organization offers to those men.

    The perks are obvious.

    What attracted the WTS to J Rutherford was the money left by C T Russell and the capability of building up his own power and control

    around himself., this came to him be creating believers through coercive lies and corruption, then exploiting them for work and money.




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