The paradigm of analog books is vanishing among younger people and older people as e-books take over.
Ease of access.
All the local bookstores have closed.
If a new hardback has to be $30 and people stop buying it and opt for the cheaper e-book, the model for sales reveals the problem.
I wanted there to be a Hardback version of my book (and there is) but--God Almighty! The cost is outrageous.
I wanted there to be a paperback version (and there is). Sales are divided evenly between the paperback and the e-book
for Nook and Kindle.
Heck, I just want to accomplish two things.
I am retired and live off Social Security (if you want to call that "living" :)
I need a way to supplement my income.
But, more importantly--I want to reach as many people as I can with a reasonable presentation of what is wrong with the Watch Tower religion.
I spent a lot of time researching the situation which led to the deaths in Nazi prison camps.
The Watch Tower likes bragging about that.
I present the facts. It was the fault of President J.F. (Judge) Rutherford.
Instead of bragging about how people died in concentration camps--the real story is about genuinely faithful people who were DUPED into dying for
crazy ideas printed in books and magazines by sociopath.
Isn't that worth telling?