Losing your family sucks.
What Drew You To The Witnesses?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
I wasn't drawn, I was forced into it through ritualistic sales seminars for the first two decades of my life.
Yep. Not drawn.............DRUG! My parents drug me into it. (They thought it was the best thing to do.)
The firm hand of my father
That Satan was the cause of all this mess....I kind of thought that God wasn't evil or did bad things, because I forgot about Satan. Plus I liked the sister that spoke to me re: THE TRUFF. She was not raised a witness so she had/has a different take on it...What I have also learned is that most witnesses are attracted to the same message, but the difference is...WE/THEY ALL REACT TO IT DIFFFERENTLY...
So far I love my congregation...I know alot of funny stuff goes on in the hall, but I try to stay clear of that. I listen to the gossip that they claim they don't do or shouldn't do, but man o man do they gossip....they also tell you a piece of gossip to see if you'll leak it...so far so good...I've passed the test...but I'm use to that because at my job I have to keep many secrets, so I keep it the same at the hall....I can see right through them, because I smile alot, just to keep them off guard....it's like a one way mirror I can see out but they can't see in...
So what drew me to the truth is the info re: Satan...but the truff lead me to the REAL TRUFF...& I thank them for that...I see where they added or taken away from the scriptures...& what brings me peace is that in Rev. it says, who adds or takes away....WILL BE ACCOUNTABLE...that makes me get some sleep...but I will be accountable as well...how sobering..wouldn't you say...
It's like you know your Mom is going to give you a beating, but guess what, she is going to get your brothers & sisters too...ahhhh...The sweet smell of Judgement...
Birth. At one point I believed but it was always a struggle. I could never get into the spiritual side of religion.
They had a working hypothesis that eventually didn't work.
I was born in. Baptized just before I turned 11.
Huge assemblies 1953 1958
Prophecies seemed to fit.
Two world wars fought in Christendom.
Grandparents died
Parents died
I'm almost 70
I rode it as long as it could still stand on its feet. You have to shoot horses with bad legs.
Now I have to walk by myself.
I rode it as long as it could still stand on its feet. You have to shoot horses with bad legs.
Many of us rode it as long as it could stand, and then picked the horse up and carried it, and then drug it along with us some more.
Too bad we didn't wake up when we first saw it begin to collapse.
Nothing. I had the misfortune to be a third generation born in.
in my late 20s i started having an interest in the bible. jw was the only religion i was familiar with an they seem to know it all. lol. there was an answer for everything. dev
My parents mudt have taught Outlaw's Mom the "troof"!