Have a nice eternity on Kolob you fool
Utah man goes on hunger strike to the death to protest same-sex marriages
by adamah 38 Replies latest social current
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Is it just me? When I hear of something like this, I automatically put him in the category of those preachers and congressmen that hate gays, but then are later found with a boy toy.
If the comments on that page are to be trusted, the irony is the guy apparently is engaged to a black woman, where interracial marriage had to be ruled as a basic civil right by the Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia (1967), against protests of people like him in the past who don't understand that what people do is nobody's business but theirs, not the State's, and not other citizens.
Trentin must be pulling everyone's legs, since he said this:
"Jefferson made clear that the courts are not the supreme arbitrators of what is and what is not constitutional. The states also have power," said Meacham."
UH, that's EXACTLY what the job of the SUPREME Court is: to limit the will of the electorate, and to serve as the supreme and final arbiter (or, as George Bush said, "the decider") to determine issues of citizen's basic civil rights.
adamah, that was, in fact, Jefferson's opinion.
edited to add, he's on the wrong side of history. This issue will be moot in a few years.
His alternative ploy was to hold his breath until his face turned purple.
"Mommeee! Make them stop itttt nowwww! I just peepeed my big boy pants!"
Who is this guy and why should anybody care if he stops eating? What a pompous a**hole, he'd make an excellent member of the GB
Somebody start a study with this asswipe immdiately.
Holding his breath would be faster. Imagine all the LGBT couples swarming to renounce their identity in sympathy.
JeffT said-
adamah, that was, in fact, Jefferson's opinion.
edited to add, he's on the wrong side of history. This issue will be moot in a few years.
That may indeed be the case, but it only begs the question of whether Trestin is being intellectually dishonest on purpose by quoting Jefferson on this issue, or is he completely unaware of the commonly-accepted role of the SCOTUS over the past 150 yrs?
Or perhaps Trestin is hoping his hunger strike will lead to a renewed battle cry of freedom ringing throughout the land, with him being the first casualty in the reopening of the long-healed wounds of the issue of individual State rights that led up to the American Civil War?
At any rate, God love him, and keep on keepin' on tilting at those windmills, Trestin Quixote (perhaps a more-modern expression would be quote TLC, telling him to keep chasing those waterfalls)!
Ahunger strike gives most publicity it may last a month+,-,
next is a Thirst strike, a week +,- days,
breathing strike, only minutes, but like immolation it is so final, and an obituary is no fun.
what was the issue?
marriage rites, rights?
Actually a study a few years ago showed a correlation between those men who adamantly voiced hatred towards gays and gay tendencies. Regarding the Utah guy: an excellent way to cull the herd (DNA pool).