Okay, okay Trestin, you've convinced me: I'll separate from my same-sex partner and renounce our civil union of several years ago. Now will you please eat those f*ck!ng grits I dished up for you this morning? Cheers!
Utah man goes on hunger strike to the death to protest same-sex marriages
by adamah 38 Replies latest social current
Methinks he doth protest too much.
The research, published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, reveals the nuances of prejudices like homophobia, which can ultimately have dire consequences. [The 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]
"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" Ryan told LiveScience. "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."
He's just on the 'biggot diet' - the latest right-wing diet craze that will soon sweep the nation.
"hey, I lost 25 pounds on the biggot diet" said Meacham "all thanks to those homosexuals".
The fact that he's an idiot with a warped view of history shouldn't be a surprise after we know he's a biggot. It's hardly a sign of intelligence and learning is it?
It would go down as effectively as a disfellowshipped Witness publicizing a hunger strike until the GB revoked its policies on expulsion from the organization. Apart from the bizarre publicity calling attention to the need to get on with one's life and leave the Witnesses to their religious rights, it would likely be of benefit primarily to the ex-JW fighting not just the organization but also obesity. In the case of the latter, there may well be health benefits that make the nut crackery worthwhile.
SMH. I'll never understand why people take it personally when other people do things in their bedrooms.
But 100 years ago, protestors on hunger strikes were force fed. At least we've come that far.
I'm wondering if the fellow is gay or bi. I have a transgender sibling, who once was a baptis minister. He/she believes that it's sinful to be gay. Now a she, she thinks it's not wrong to have surgery, take hormones, to become what you've always felt you were on the inside. I don't think so either. She feels it's wrong to couple up with a same sex partner though. I love my sister to the ends of the earth. I'm not sure how she twists her mind around this one. I hope she will ease up on her feelings about gay relationships.
Anony Mous
Yay for natural selection!
Separation of Powers
What a shame...
Hope Trestin ate a REALLY big meal before starting his hunger strike, since according to the article, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on an expedited basis (i.e. within a few weeks), so the injunction order blocking gay marriage is temporary until the Court can review the case and issue their ruling on the Constitutionity of the law. I'm guessing Trestin will use the injunction as an excuse to at least eat a light snack.
(Oh, his whole "I'm taking vitamins" thing is so hypocritical AND ignorant of the principles of human physiology, since vitamins don't do jack when you're not getting ANY caloric intake. Think of vitamins as analogous to 5 quarts of motor oil in an engine, when gasoline (caloric intake) is obviously required to keep the engine running; the motor can run with only 2 quarts of motor oil in the crankcase, but not without gas.)