Leaving a legacy for future exJW generations

by ILoveTTATT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT


    I just thought of something: Considering that from 2013 onwards, it seems, there won't be a Watchtower Library CD, and everything will be online, and therefore every trace of "old light" can be deleted with the push of a button...

    Is there a way to download a copy of the entire JW.org webstite, and keep a "certified copy" somewhere, like archive.org?

    Perhaps this can be done monthly or every quarter or something...

    Is there a way to "certify" that this was the way the website was, at this moment in time?

    Techie ex-JW's please comment...

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Wouldn't it be easier for people to just collaberate on an objective historical site? Call it something like JWHistory.com. Then put all the publications we can find from the past, present and future there. Maybe add videos of recorded talks and assembly parts there too? I don't know. Just something i've neen thinking about lately.

  • ILoveTTATT

    That would be great, but the whole problem is CERTIFYING digital publications... somehow getting a neutral, third-party association (like a library) to certify that this version has not been modified...

    Certifying the 2013 and onwards publications.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    What if there was a forum attachedin which anyone could challenge the authenticity of a PDF, scan etc. All challenges could be quashed via a video of the hard copied publication in question? or something similar. With the technology at our disposal today there's got to be some kind of reasonable solution. It might not be an official certification, but it would certainly be enough to convince most. The current PDF's available over on JW.org would certainly be convincing enough, when published on the site. No?

  • ILoveTTATT

    I like your idea!! A video would be much harder to edit...

  • ILoveTTATT


    Are Watchtower PDF files certified? There must be someone to download all available PDF format publications.

    However, for the stuff that will now only appear on the website...

  • wearewatchingyouman

    I'm pretty sure everything that appears on the web site is available for download in PDF.

  • ABibleStudent

    I like the idea, but the owner of the website would need deeper pockets than most people have to fight legal challanges by the WTBTS of copyright infringement. Besides most "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JWs wouldn't believe that any person or organization is as justworthy as the WTBTS, so whatever is on jw.org must be the "Truth".

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • wearewatchingyouman

    I like the idea, but the owner of the website would need deeper pockets than most people have to fight legal challanges by the WTBTS of copyright infringement.

    This is exactly why I suggested it be a joint venture. Some kind of a non profit historical society is what I envision. Thoughts?

  • ILoveTTATT

    Well... how does Archive.org do it? Archive.org DOES respect the robots.txt (i.e. if the website does NOT want to be archived, it won't be)...

    This IS a hard nut to crack, but is there anything that can be done to do it legally? How about for the sake of having an archive, like a library or something?

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