Leaving a legacy for future exJW generations

by ILoveTTATT 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • wearewatchingyouman

    This IS a hard nut to crack, but is there anything that can be done to do it legally? How about for the sake of having an archive, like a library or something?

    Agreed. There has to be some way to do it as historical documentation, archive, library etc. They've put these publications out there "for free". We're just documenting it. Like I said, my vision is to be completely objective in presentation. Just put the literature up without commentary. Though I think it'd be good to have a discussion forum too for discussion on interpretation and authenticity challenges.

  • Apognophos

    Not only does archive.org abide by robots.txt, but they also allow a site owner to request the removal of their site from the Archive. Not sure if there's a legal reason for that, though, or it's just a courtesy.

  • Simon

    Normally the publisher is the only party who can validate something electronic as being authentic.

    It comes down to 'trust' but the bigger issue would be legal liability of keeping and publishing the information. Such a project would ultimately suffer the same fate as Quotes website.

  • Simon

    Some kind of a non profit historical society is what I envision. Thoughts?

    Whatever corporate structure wouldn't protect you from legal action, in fact it would just make more of a target - non profit is irrelevant to copyright violation.

    It would be better to record the changes by way of adding a commentary to them.

    I know what you mean about the doctinal changes being 'convincing' - I used to have another website which had an interactive timeline of events and belief changes as I thought it showed how things were altered in response to other external influences and not due to new light or god's ever-changing whim as they seem to claim. It was a lot of work to keep updated though so it sadly died :(

  • ILoveTTATT

    Normally the publisher is the only party who can validate something electronic as being authentic.

    So, someone would just have to keep copies of all the PDF's... and when the time is right... (Which it will come...) THEN just bring out the old copies...

    The question is... ARE they certified? (I have not checked)...

  • ABibleStudent

    I wonder if the Russian or Chinese governments would force a website in their country to bend to the WTBTS's legal department? Who knows maybe the Russian Orthodox Church would like to host a website in Russia that would contain up-to-date WTBTS propaganda.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • prologos

    WT writers must have re-read 1988 and liked "Winston's" job at the chronicle, the "past history" department changing the story and

    obliterating the past every DAY.

    A major enterprise.

  • problemaddict

    I am pretty sure electronic archives that are available and owned by some on this very site are pretty extensive.

  • ABibleStudent

    I think I know of a way to get around copyright infringement litigation and prevent the WTBTS from re-writing their propaganda. A reputable and popular website like JWfacts, would need to act as a repository of information where people would upload .pdf files and ask for a comparison with a file(s) in the repository. If there were any differences between the files, the page(s) with the differences would be displayed and the different text from the repository file would be highlighted.

    The technology to search for differences in Word documents already exists with Word, so it should be relatively easy to write a program to compare .pdf files for differences.

    After copy-rights expired, the repository would allow downloading of available files.

    What's your opinion of this idea?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ILoveTTATT

    Hmm... not bad!! Like a "JW x-files" or something?

    But the copyrights would expire in 70 years!! =S

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