Good choice. It will last you a long while if properly maintained.
Suggestions for car buying
by FlyingHighNow 54 Replies latest jw friends
Unfortunately, it was a very uncomfortable ride for me. There was also a lot of road noise.
I love my Toyota Corolla. My son loves his Honda Civic. I would look at a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord, based on my family's experience with both of those models. I drive a smaller car because I don't have to have a lot of room but my next car will probably be a Honda Accord. Buick's don't hold their resale value but are sound, so you should be able to get one of those fairly new in your price range. Good luck! Car hunting sucks.
Car hunting sucks.
It so does, St. Ann, especially when you have no car to go look for a car. I walked down to the dealership today. It's closeby. The 2009 Corolla's seats are hard and my arms were too far above my legs. The wheel had hardly any grips on it and wasn't cushioned like my last car.
I finally found a car and brought it home tonight. I paid cash for it. I drove it it 44 miles tonight and got 28.9 to the gallon. That was some around town and long stretches of country road driving.
I made a new thread about the car. It's a 2009 Pontiac G6.