Today's WT study

by piztjw 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • piztjw

    So as I looked at the material I was struck by a few thoughts about this article.

    Par. 6 Glossed over the idea that we can pray for ourselves, or our needs. Yes, but. . . seemed to be the atitude of the writer.

    Par. 9-11 On one hand they say Jesus did not harshly criticize Peter or the apostles for falling asleep instead of praying CONTINUALLY, and on the other hand make veiled threats if WE should feel tired out by life.

    Par. 13 So they say Satan is the one who wants us to feel worthless. What about the eldurrs who always yap about not spending enough money on the WTB&T$? What about the continual hounding about having to spend more time door knocking? What about the way they always flap their gums about not getting a reasonable education? Doesn't that ever make a person feel worthless?

    Par. 18 You MUST pray for others. But God likely won't do anything. Praying for others will make us happy. Again, it is all about giving, doing, more for the WTB&T$, not taking care of ourselves.

    Par. 17 Again the "the end is nearer than you think" saying. Yep. . .like the cartoon on another post. . . we are driving on a never-ending circle with a sign that says the end is just around the corner. . .their ain't no corner. . .and in the last two days two more of my elderly friends died thinking they were going to live forever!

  • leaving_quietly

    Personally, I pray more now than ever before. I do believe there is a God. So, with that said, let me make a few observations of my own. Some of this will sound like I'm an apologist. I'm not. Even WTBTS states useful things some of the time.

    1. Praying for others is something I should do more of, so I appreciate this reminder. But, WTBTS limits it to the brotherhood. Jesus said to even pray for your enemies.

    2. I appreciated the statement in paragraph 17 about "seeking solitude for private prayer." It's hard for me to do that in my home. I find this advice to be useful.

    3. I, too, noted paragraph 13 in saying, "Satan would have us believe that we are worthless." Personally, I have never felt worthless as a human being, and I've never felt worthless in my worship. A sinner, yes, but worthless? No. Depressed, yes, but worthless? No. Who actually puts this idea in our minds? Satan isn't doing that. WTBTS does this through articles like these. If anyone walks away feeling that they should pray more because they feel a little less worthy, then it's WTBTS' fault. I blame no one else but them for planting that idea.

    4. Paragraph 18 contained the everlasting carrot. The very last sentence: "Indeed, we can gain the prize of everlasting life--provided we remain "vigilant with a view to prayers." Nowhere in the Bible does it say everlasting life depends on prayer. Using the word "provided" is inappropriate.

  • steve2

    Prayer for people is a childish alternative to getting off their butts and actively doing good in their communities and further afield. Prayer is also the relgious variant of the worldly tendency to play the fiddle whilst Rome burns. Less prayer, more mindful action would solve many problems.

  • Over%forme

    So right Steve2. Couldn't agree more.

  • BobFlanagan007

    @ Steve2

    Well put. Exactly the point I was going to make.

  • Darkside Blues
    Darkside Blues

    Didn't have the meeting today due to weather (yay winter!) but paragraph 13 quoted above grinds my gears. It's the Borg that has us believe we are worthless, that we can do nothing of our own accord or strength. This is why many if not most JWs have no self-confidence or esteem. It's one of the things I'm trying to deprogram in myself, seeing as I've been in a forced codependent relationship for so long.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think that study on prayer was just a recycle of previous "lessons" serving as bland filler leading up to the next three or so articles that are CRAZY.

  • losingit

    Prayer helps to relieve stress. Also, we are supposed to act in accord with our prayers. Act = action! Prayer is not some lazy man's version of helping our neighbors or the community.

  • quellycatface

    Boring boring.heard that all before.another condition for getting into the new's just Borg blackmail again.

  • Syme

    Billy: Exactly! There's always a ''buffer'' article, before and after the 'actual' stuff.

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