Today's WT study

by piztjw 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NotNew

    In one paragraph they give a lesson then in the next they take it away.

    So many lessons are written this we need to be forgiving, then the next paragraph say we maybe too sensitive. Typical double speach! You can't have it both ways.


  • Laika

    Does the WT phrase about 'acting in harmony with your prayers' not just mean answering them yourself?

  • label licker
    label licker

    It wasn't WTBTS or any other man that died for our sins but Yeshuah! So, it's to him alone I will go to. Like I said before, all religions makes god in their image(to suite their doctrines) instead of god making man in his image. They'll twist the scriptures to suite their needs, oops I mean wants.

  • steve2

    Contrary to the claims of some, prayer has no more special features than other de-stressing endeavors such as mindfulness practices and having a damned good power nap before getting on with the days work. Besides, from a rational perspective, who is this multi-varied Answerer of prayers offered up by gazillions of people from vastly different and often conflicting religious beliefs each day and night.

    Of course, to state this in the company of those of delicate and readily bruised faith could be construed as mean-spirited, so, as with telling children there is no Santa, timing and hankies are important.

  • Heartofaboy


  • WTWizard

    SATAN wanting us to feel worthless? Now, who was it that tried to liberate us in Eden from joke-hova's tyranny? Satan wanted us to get out from under that tyranny so we could be all we could be, and joke-hova condemned us for wanting that freedom. These days, it's always more field circus, more washtowel donations, and shame and guilt if you do anything that goes with human nature. Eat something associated with Christmas, you are condemned. Get in 69 hours in field circus, you are condemned for not doing 70. Refuse to do field circus when you are sick with flu, it is 50 below, or there is a meter and a half of snow restricting parking spaces, you are condemned. Think of sex, you are condemned. You don't want to do that call where the guy spitting blood into a mayonnaise jar frequently is there, a dog is threatening you, or you have trouble getting up the stairs which are in bad condition and the postman won't even climb, you are condemned.

    I think it's joke-hova that wants us to not just feel worthless, but to be worthless. That thing wants us to be slaves, living just enough to do the work but not being able to enjoy anything. That thing wants us all enslaved. That thing is responsible for racial strife (and it even says that in the LIE-ble, through Tyrant David hating all Gentiles to Joshua taking land away from Gentiles and seizing and destroying all Gentile property, to even Noah favoring Shem instead of the other two (racism). That thing is responsible for sexism--berating women to second class status. That thing condemns people if they are attracted to people of the same sex, whether exclusively or not. And that thing condemns anyone that tries to be better than anyone else--the only way to be all we can be is for each of us to be the best we can be, including being better than others in some areas. Yes, that means others are better than us in other areas, but that is how things balance. Absolute equality brings everyone down to the lowest level in each area, and ruins society.

    And it is joke-hova that wants this communism for us. Satan, on the other hand, wants us to be the best we can be in each area. Satan views it as "So what if you are weak in this area? You are stronger in another area, and you can do what you do best and let someone else do what you have difficulty with". Joke-hova, on the other hand, expects us to all be excellent in going door to door. What if you suck at that? Shame and guilt!

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