WT Study for January 6-12, 2014

by Bobcat 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bobcat

    As a heads up for those who are present for the WT Study of January 12, 2014, this thread has information and links to material that has an impact on that study article.

    Pages 12, 13, pp. 9-14 is a subtitle dealing with a supposed future cry of "peace & security." For a detailed analysis with comments on numerous aspects of that subject see this thread.

    This post on page two of this thread has a copy of the above WT sub-title dealing with the "peace & security" prophecy as the WT understands it.

  • Bobcat

    Paragraph 1 has this statement in it:

    WHEN the Messianic Kingdom was established in 1914, Satan’s system entered its final days. As a result of the war in heaven, Jesus hurled the Devil and the demons down to the vicinity of the earth. (Read Revelation 12:7-9.) Satan knows that he has only “a short period of time.” (Rev. 12:12)

    But see this post and the links provided there for Scriptural evidence that Jesus was enthroned shortly after going back to heaven in the 1st century.

    This post has a list of verses dealing with "parousia" as applied to Jesus which highlights that "parousia" or "presence" is not associated with Jesus being crowned as king.

    This post has some scholarly commentary on the gospel phrase, "the Kingdom of God/Heaven has drawn near," and implications for when the "Kingdom of God/Heaven" was to begin operation.

    This post has a list of verses relating to the idea of "last days" and how the writers of those verses saw themselves in relation to that time period.

  • leaving_quietly
  • WTWizard

    Peace and security will never happen until joke-hova decides to leave Satan alone and let Him run the world unimpeded, without barging just as Satan is starting to get success. You will never have real peace and real security until that happens.

    With joke-hova ruling without Satan, you might get the appearance of peace but not security. Or, you might get the appearance of security but not peace. In both cases, it is maintained through tyranny. Anyone that disagrees or wishes independence is squashed at once. You do not get true peace and true security with joke-hova.

  • pixel

    Thanks for sharing.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Be prepared - "Every Effort" to bring back inactive ones from their miserable lives is soon to kick off...

    16 Help those who have become inactive.
    Jesus said that there is joy in heaven when just one lost sheep is found. Obviously, Jehovah cares deeply about all those who have expressed love for his name, even if they are not actively serving him at present. When we help such ones return to the congregation, we contribute to making Jehovah and the angels rejoice.

    17 Are you among those who are not now actively serving God? Perhaps someone in the congregation hurt you and as a result you stopped associating with Jehovah’s organization. Since some time may have passed, ask yourself: ‘Is my life now more meaningful, and am I happier? Was it Jehovah who offended me, or was it an imperfect human? Has Jehovah God ever done anything to harm me?’ Really, he has always done good toward us. Even if we are not living up to our dedication to him, he allows us to enjoy the good things he provides. Soon, Jehovah’s day
    will come. Now is the time to return to our heavenly Father’s loving arms and to the congregation—the only safe haven in these last days.

  • FrenchFreeJW

    where is the logical ?

    "God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son" (John 3:16)

    "the great dragon was (...) hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him" (Rev 12:9)

    there's nowhere else in universe for hurl them down to ! Really ?

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    FrenchFreeJW - No, there was nowhere else to hurl Satan...as in the iron age period in which peasants who did not even know the Earth revolves around the Sun wrote the Bible, there were no telescopes and it was therefore either Heaven OR Earth...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    WHEN the Messianic Kingdom was established in 1914, Satan’s system entered its final days. As a result of the war in heaven, Jesus hurled the Devil and the demons down to the vicinity of the earth. (Read Revelation 12:7-9.) Satan knows that he has only “a short period of time.” (Rev. 12:12)

    Everyone know this really happened in 1874:

    ka ("God's Kingdom Has Approached", Ka) chap. 11 pp. 186-187 pars. 5-6 "Here Is the Bridegroom!" ***

    In the year 1876

    the twenty-four-year-old Russell made a contribution on the subject to this magazine. It was published in Volume XXI, Number 1, which was the issue of October, 1876. On pages 27, 28 of that issue Russell’s article was published under the title "Gentile Times: When Do They End?" In that article (page 27) Russell said: "The seven times will end in A.D. 1914."

    6 In the following year (1877) Russell joined with one Nelson H. Barbour, of Rochester, New York, in publishing a book entitled "Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World." In this book it was set forth that the end of the Gentile Times in 1914 C.E. would be preceded by a period of forty years marked by the opening of a harvest of three and a half years, beginning in 1874 C.E. This harvest was understood to be under the invisible direction of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose presence or parousia began in the year 1874.



    ka chap. 11 pp. 187-188 par. 7 "Here Is the Bridegroom!" ***

    7 From that understanding of matters, the "chaste virgin" class began going forth to meet the heavenly Bridegroom in the year 1874, as they believed him to have arrived in that year and to be from then on invisibly present. They felt that they were already living in the invisible presence of the Bridegroom. Due to this fact, when Charles T. Russell began publishing his own religious magazine in July of 1879, he published it under the title "Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence." He had already become familiar with Wilson’s The Emphatic Diaglott, which translated the Greek word pa·rou·si

    ′ a as "presence," not "coming," in Matthew 24:3 and elsewhere. The new magazine was heralding Christ’s invisible presence as having begun in 1874. This presence was to continue until the end of the Gentile Times in 1914, when the Gentile nations would be destroyed and the remnant of the "chaste virgin" class would be glorified with their bridegroom in heaven by death and resurrection to life in the spirit. Thus the class pictured by the five wise virgins would enter through the door into the wedding.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    ***w93 1/15, p.5 ‘Caught Away to Meet the Lord’—How?***

    When a foreign head of State visits a country, the dates of his presence there are generally announced. This has been true of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus’ presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914. Events since that year testify to Jesus’ invisible presence. (Matthew 24:3-14)

    OOPS ! In WT Land, "consistently" apparently has a different meaning than in Webster's Dictionary.

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