mP: Hello! (abbas - What proof do you have that Peter said anything?) Acts (a sequel to Luke) is a narrative written by Luke, an educated Greek and a major historian in his own right. In the preface to his Gospel, he tells us that having gone carefully over the whole story he decided to write an ordered account of it. If he is tested on detail, as archaeology for one has demonstated he CAN be tested, he emerges as a man of meticulous accuracy. He writes for Theophilus, a sophisticated, educated Roman who is in the know already about Christianity. From the way Luke changes from 'they 'to 'we' in Acts 16:10 it is evident that he witnessed many of the events he describes in such detail.
When did the Last Days start in the first century
by wizzstick 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In other words, what was the first day of the last days?
Why does Luke describe Judas death and the difference of the name of the field Judas bought? If he is so accurate?
Comatose, Hello! Matthew relates the cause, and Luke (Physician) the effect of Judas' suicide. Acts 1:19 (NLT) ..."they gave the place the Aramaic name Akeldama, which means "Field of Blood". Matt 27:8 (NLT) "That is why the field is still called the Field of Blood. This fulfills the prophecy of Jeremiah that says...... (Jer 32: 6-9.)"
One says he threw the money to the priests and they purchased the field and it was called field of blood since it was blood money.
The other says Judas fell a huge distance and landed so hard he burst open and his blood poured on the field, so it was called field of blood.
which is right?
Rattigan 350: Hello! Matt 28:20 (NLT) "And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of The Age". Acts 1:8 (NLT) "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be MY the ends of the earth". Soon after Jesus's ascension, the Holy Spirit descended at Jerusalem and this marked the birth of the Christian Church. Hence Peter's reference to the "last days" of Joel's prophecy at Pentecost. The last days commenced upon His ascension and being elevated to the Most High by His Father. Pentecost alluded to it and "confirmed "the beginning of the end period" had commenced.
Comatose: Matt 27:6 " ....the money was payment for murder. (Greek: since it is the price for blood Ftn.) After some discussion they finally decided to buy the Potters Field. 8. That is why the field is still called the Field of Blood". (see also Zech 12:12,13).
Right, but see Acts 1:16-19.
Luke says it was called field of blood because of all the blood that fell on it when Judas "burst open" after falling...
I just am making the point that one of them is wrong.
My belief is that the "last days" started as soon as Jesus went back to heavens. When the pouring of the Holy Spirit took place in Pentecost 33 CE, Peter quoted Joel 2:28, that speaks of the "last days" and told the crowd gathered that what just happenned was the fulfillment of that prophecy. Hence, the "last days" stretched from 33 CE until 70 CE, about 37 years, which, by the way, accomodates comfortably the notion of a "generation".
abbasgreta - written " by Luke, an educated Greek and a major historian in his own right"
A major historian in his own right? Where is the evidence for this?
Even as source as basic as wiki shows that evidence to authorship is still inconclusive.