How to Cause a Hardcore JW Brain to Malfunction

by Apognophos 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    Off the top of my head, the official stance was the one I wrote! That Enoch was "taken" by God in that he simply had his life removed from him (to be resurrected on earth from God's memory at a future date) before he could be killed by evil men.

    And Elijah was not taken to heaven by the chariots, he was dropped off on a mountain, from where he wrote some further Bible material (this is intended to explain why there's a writing from him after the time he supposedly was taken).

    I don't have the time right now to back these up with WT citations, but that's what I recall.

  • kaik

    Many JW do not care what Bible says or what WT had published in the past that is contradiction with a present, momentary teaching. They are appologist of the organization will accept whatever belief they borg will pursue. Just look into the change of the generation of 1914. Couple years back my JW relatives insisted that the generation was symbolic, it does not represent a human lifespan, but human era. My sybling compared to Renaissance generation that lasted 200 years. All these people from 1400 to 1600 were part of the same generation, the renessaince one. We are living in the last generation that started in 1914 and continue till 22nd century. I just shook my head.

    Problem for hard core JW that many of them will not think outside of box. They know that they will question some of the doctrine, which would weaken their faith; therefore, will cause them DF/DA with organization. They will not risk losing the only habitat they know. Hence, for many, there is no way to allow any self questioning.

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