Deprogramming after leaving a cult has been necessary for my anger to diminish. Being treated unjustly, having our good name ruined by liars who remain in good standing, loss of friends (or, discovering we really had no friends) and lifestyle built over 30 years. And discovering how we were duped into servitude of a corrupt, power-hungry corporation. These events carry cumulative impact to say the least.
by Hummingbird001 40 Replies latest jw friends
Many victims of the JW cult have very valid reasons to be
angry . Losing children to the cult never wears off . -
no lies please
I never felt bitterness or anger. I guess everyone is different. But, when I learned the truth about the WT I felt happy and excited, and maybe a little nervous about what to do. But too I lost no family to the organization. I was in it by myself for over 25 years.
Dealing with the residual effects of being a Witness sometimes makes me frustrated, yes.
Occasionally I try to connect with certain relatives that are still IN, but I only do it when I am in a good place emotionally and mentally prepared for the rejection that will come. I look out for me, first.
I don't get angry because I pity those still IN, more than anything. I was born and reared a JW, I know they are not truly happy. They are "skinned and thrown about."
I have experienced terrible things in my life as a Witness, and others here have had it worse, I know. I just believe the saying, "The best revenge is living well."
I really appreciate everyone's replies. Thank you!
Yes I was angry and bitter all the time for quite a while. Now I have days I am A&B and some days I am filled with sorrow for what they did to my family and I . Neither is a good way to spend your life so I am trying to find a way to deal with it. I'd always wanted to write a book, but I am lacking in most of the skills required for writing . I am not even sure I could tell the story at this point.
Some Xjws judge the reason you are an xjws- with apostasy being of the holiest. So I had issues with jws and I also have issues with xjws. What I noticed was the xjws who left for Jesus were JUST as obnoxious as any JWS EVER was. I also found the Atheist XJWS were equally obnoxious. WTH?
" stuck in the middle with you.."- a member of the Rest of us who are not really religious ( but a believer) and definitely not atheists.
Many forget that some who used to be in the WTS were kicked out for legitimate and valid reasons
but so many more where hurt and abused b/c of horrible double standards.
I am a warm a cuddly apostate - really.
My life is my life, I cannot do anything about the past. What I am today is the sum total of every event that occurred in my life to date.
Given that I am higly pragmatic my response "it is what it is." The watchtower is part of my past, and I cannot do anything about that.
But my past does not constrain my future, which I see as pretty great.
I love this post and hope before i die I can say this.
I myself have a mixture of resentment and anger tempered with a measure of relief and even validation.
I used to be profoundly upset and frightened around my early teen years about apparently being executed at Armageddon because I really thought that I actually had probably sinned against the holy spirit. (Some bizarre kind of sexual fantasies. Just one of those things; sometimes sh^t happens, especially entering puberty.) But after checking out this site in particular, I came to realize that the rather unique eschatological, apocalyptic prophecies of the Watchtower organization were actually quite contradictory, illogical, and just plain incorrect.
So I eventually ended up being quite resentful for how that egotistical, authoritarian religion manipulates people and plays them for fools, but, at the same time, I also felt relief and even a measure of serenity in knowing that at least I won’t be executed at the Watchtower’s Armageddon – not because I’ve suddenly been “forgiven” and given some kind of second chance at being saved and spared my supposed “divine fate,” but, rather, because my theological and scientific research has led me to the conclusion that there reallyisno Armageddon to be afraid of anyway.
So in the grand scheme of things, I don’t anticipate any kind of salvation into an earthly “paradise” or into a “heaven,” but at the very least I don’t believe that I am condemned to a life now on “death row” awaiting divine execution either. I have resigned myself to the simple fact that I am eventually going to simply die just as all other biological organisms have and always will. So I guess for me, no grand prize and no cigar, but no chopping block either. I’ve been tending toward the purely logical, agnostic, scientific perspective – i.e., to hell with all of this theological, ecclesiastical, evangelical, philosophical, dogmatic puke imposed by any organized religion – and for me, that’s just, well, fine and dandy.
cult classic
I'm not perpetually angry or bitter. But I've had my moments. When something of value is stolen from you, anger and bitterness is a normal reaction. The more valuable the thing stolen and the less chance of recovering that stolen thing, the more intense the reaction will be.
Nothing wrong in that at all. Watchtower uses that angry/bitter apostate label to further discourage normal reactions to their particular brand of bullsh*t.
Everything 'Muddy Waters' said on the first page is so true.
Hell yes Im angry because everyone we ever knew including all our family, parents, siblings, lifelong friends, want nothing to do with us and thats only to do with our fading away. We cant celebrate a birthday or xmas in public, have to hide the xmas tree etc.
Every damn part of our life is affected by the cult, oh and then theres the shitty childhood with parents that always put their stupid god before their kids.
Yeah Im angry and bitter but I try not to be and sometimes make a little progress then as I turn a corner theres another stumbling block in my way to freedom.
Today is a bad day but most days I am happier than Ive ever been with a light feeling of freedom to think and be what I want.
The pain and the hurt and the lies the cult and their followers spread is justification for us being angry and bitter. Of course I work on it everyday but when it hurts so much anger and bitterness does seem to be my first response. I feel far from pity for any of them, especially those who chose the cult as an adult like my parents.