That is all
2014 YB Up. Partakers 13,204
by LostGeneration 70 Replies latest jw friends
Hail the theocracy, ever increasing!
Wondrous expansion is now taking place!
If only the rate of increase of the "other sheep" could match that of the "little flock"!
Early in this service year, at the annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the New World Bible Translation Committee released the newly revised English edition of the finest translation of the Bible available to mankind. Jehovah used his own spirit begotten sons to provide the original New World Translation. (Rom.8:15, 16) That fact alone certainly makes this translation special, do you not agree?
This is just amazing.
Followed in the book by photos of GB members.
These guys really lay it on thick, don't they?
Finally. 8 days late.
A Letter from the Governng Body:
Dear Fellow Domestics:
Dear fellow domestics???? WTH? Lossh front row. Lol.
Growth in Western Europe, North America, and surprisingly Brazil (former site of huge growth) at a standstill - 0 or 1%. Japan continues its stagnation.
Witness My Fury
Let's review: It's a cult!
WTH with their obssesion of showing the GB/FDS/WT leaders??????
2012 - 12,604
2013 - 13,204
600 new wannabes. Lol.
Whats the bet fro 2014??
i was a JW in the 80's & 90's all the countowns to Armageddon have now been taken out of the religion...
The Anglo American World Power being the last ( doctrine now removed)
The Russian, King of The North activity (doctrine now removed)
The age of the 1914 generation (doctrine now removed)
The number of anointed decreasing (doctrine now removed)
The UN destroying religion and all religious people giving up their religions (awaiting doctrinal change as looks more unrealistic than ever before)
I'm actually surprised that it is still going up. I predict that next year it will stabilize and the start dropping.
The governing body made a clear attempt at getting this under control by saying that this group was no longer part of the FDS. I'm pretty sure the idea was that it would make being "annointed" less prestigious and thus, preventing the "wanna be special" brothers from claiming they were part of the group.
In theory, it should have worked and maybe it will next year. Part of the issue is that once you start partaking, it's hard to go back to being a regular Joe and not do it, since others in the hall would likely think you're a complete idiot.