CO talk

by Fatal Error 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Five Gospels
    Five Gospels
    After the usual drivel about the Society being God's organisation, and appreciating their junk food (as an aside, has anyone actually vomitted up any of this "food"?? just wondering...),

    I actually got very nauseous to the point of wanting to step outside and puke. At one of our recent C/O visits he gave a talk on loyalty and stated that "the Society is always right... if you ever have to wonder whether anything they do or say is right... THEY ARE RIGHT!" Makes me sick just thinking about it.

    Five Gospels

  • LDH

    Thank you Metatron.

    <<<<Holding barf bag for 5 Gospels>>>>


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    That was 33 years ago. How many more innocent people will be
    hoodwinked and hurt by this lying organization?

    This is so true and I was one of those. I want to make sure that I can do all I can so they don't do it to anyone else again. I think that the WT is getting a little afraid of the declining membership so they revert back to the tactics they know best, threats and intimidation.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • LDH

    PS, Fatal said the CO's remarks were:

    maintaining any kind of contact with inactive ones is showing lack of loyalty.
    You know what the next step is, once they've told you that you're "not being loyal."


  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    This being my first CO talk (well second, but the first was after the service meeting, and I have no recollection of what it was about ), I didn't think to take notes, so I'm just posting what I remember as I remember it. I actually had the CO round for a quick study earlier in the day, and asked him about the organisation, its purpose, yadda yadda.. The two words he used most were "loving" and "trust".

    As for the his talk, he quoted 1.Cor 5 throughout, and maintained that it was a "loving gesture" to shun, leading to realisation from the weak JW that they did in fact need the brotherhood and Society. For someone who (I hope!!) is still capable of remaining objective about it all, this smakced of the lowest form emotional blackmail. From what I gathered, his point was through shunning, these weak spirited JWs would be in a position where they consider themselves still within the fold, and yet need to involve themselves more to recieve the loving companionship of their fellow witnesses.

    So even those not actually agrieved with the Society's teachings, who just so happen to have a time-consuming job, or a large family to look after, or anything else for that matter which might take up their time, are to be considered on the same level as those who don't (have a different understanding of the bible that is).

    Numbers must be dropping pretty sharply and funds drying up...

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Oh, and pass that bag when you're done Gospels, I find that I often feel nauseous after the meetings, tastes like the sort of crap you'd buy off a street-stall...

  • waiting

    Howdy Fatal Error,

    My husband was born in the Org, and he left at age 55 - quietly (just said he had doubts.) His elder brother won't talk to him about his doubts (as elders have been taught) - but keeps quoting the daily text to him......and telling him how much my husband is "hurting mom." Some other brothers tell my husband the same thing "this is the worse thing that's ever happened to your mom - you're turning away from The Truth."

    For someone who (I hope!!) is still capable of remaining objective about it all, this smakced of the lowest form emotional blackmail.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    leading to realisation from the weak JW that they did in fact need the brotherhood and Society.

    What F***** arrogance....

    I hope the Borg die a fast and speedy death.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • dungbeetle

    (((( Old Hippie ))))

    I know we've had our differences in the past, but I am very sorry to hear about this. I wish you nothing but the best in your family situation.

    again (((( Old Hippie ))))

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Hiya waiting

    That was what I was expecting to hear, but what threw me was the fact that his talk was directed to peeps who were in the Truth, who accepted the Truth, who probably went to a few meetings now and then, but due to personal circumstances couldn't involve themselves more. I wouldn't consider these any threat to the Org, apart maybe from setting a bad example. But the CO stated, "association above the minimum required with such ones can and will lead you away from the Truth, as the lure of wordliness will be too strong and palatable".

    Attacking those who are in the Truth but might have difficulties in witnessing as much as hoped were never critisised so openly, were they?

    And (sorry, i'm still finding my way around the bible, lol!) doesn't this seriously contradict at least one scripture, that each should do what he/she can, depending on their circumstances?

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