There is a question at the end of all this I promise!! Please bear with me.
Hi all, this is the first time I've been to any site like this. So, quickly... I'm Ethan, from KY, but currently in Michigan. 20yrs old (born in 81), attended meetings since 85, baptised 95.
I've known I was gay since I was like 12 or 13. But I knew that Jehovah didn't approve of it and so I prayed and studied and pioneered and even dated a girl for two years (16-18).
As the years went by and my feelings toward men didn't subside, or at the very least I didn't get interested in women, I became more and more depressed and ashamed and felt as though I sinned just thinking like that.
Finally around the age of 18 I decided there is no way I could go on like that. I hated myself for my feelings, I hated the church for telling me it was wrong, and I hated Jehovah for allowing them in the first place since they're wrong. I decided I either had to end it all or I had to leave the church.
The problem was I was from a small town, around 25,000 people, with a BIG congregation, in fact the largest in our district, over 200 publishers as ONE congregation. I didn't really know many people outside the Kingdom Hall since I grew up basically a Witness, certainly no one gay. So I really didn't know to whom or where I would turn after I finally left.
Anyway, it was really hard for me. I did and still do believe everything that I was taught and everything I read for myself. I honestly do believe that JW's do have the true religion. It's just that I mentally couldn't handle living a double life anymore.
Over the course of two years (18-20) I stopped attneding all but a rare meeting. Eventually, I found a few gay friends, but none that really fit in with my view on life and morality. I moved to Michigan August of 2001 mostly to get away from that small town where everyone I knew was a Witness and I just wasn't brave enough to live my life the way I wanted/needed to live it in front of them.
Since I've been in Michigan I've found a few gay friends, I'm happier now in the sense that I no longer have to hide who I really am and that is a huge weight off my shoulders. But, I often times feel very much alone. I don't smoke, I don't drink much, I don't like the "evil" bars and clubs because I'm still such a good boy so I even now still don't lead a "typical" life, gay or straight.
My question is... has anyone else gone through this before? I ask because I have never met or heard of any other gay Witnesses. I'm not looking for anything really, I just wonder if I'm alone? Maybe someone else is out there who went through something like this? If so I'd like to hear how you dealt with it and how your life is going now. I'd also like to hear any comments anyone else has in regards me or my situation. Thanks in advance.