I finally got my tattoo...

by Princess 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    I hope you never have to change husbands etc. Nice tattoo, though!


  • rebelledat12

    Great tattoo! My husband and I each have a half of a Yin and Yang with each other's names tattoed on us. Hope I never get divorced. LOL.

  • researcher

    U2K... On what basis do you say one cannot have discreet tatoo? I hope your not quoting from the mosiac law? Because we are not under that Law. And if you say the Law does give us Gods viewpoint. That's true. But do you eat pork? You may say yes, because we are not under the Law. So basically you pick and choose which parts of the Mosiac Law you want to enforce and which ones you ignore because of convenience??? There's a word in the english language for folks like you. Its termed 'hypocrite'. And one more thing that adds to your hyprocrisy is that you cast judgement against someone just because they got a little tatoo. You remind me of the 60's when one had to wear white shirts. Heaven forbade if you wore a light blue shirt. You miss the whole point of the Law and the Scriptures.

  • Princess

    If I thought there was ever a possibility of not being with him, I wouldn't have done it. We will be married fourteen years in July and have a very good marriage.

    Cool yin and yang idea rebelledat...I asked him where he was going to get his and he said he had never thought of it. I was kidding, I would never expect him to get one just because I did.

    Thanks y'all


  • LB

    I cleaned up the photo of the tattoo a bit.

    Princes I hate hearing about pain, just hate it. But I'm getting mine soon.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Princess

    Thanks LB! I am just clueless with this stuff. I have a cheap-o digital camera that I used one handed. Mulan puts pics on her site for me.

    Don't worry about the pain. It only hurts while the artist is working. Needle thingy stops, pain stops. Hasn't bothered me a bit since he finished!

    Steve occasionally walks by and grabs me in a hug. Totally worth the pain!

    What are you getting?


  • Mulan

    It really looks neat too. Rachel, you forgot to show your Dad this morning!!!

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Princess

    Ummmm...no I didn't. I'm not showing him, are you nuts? If he sees it at the beach, fine. I won't be bringing it up...or pulling them down.

    I'm sure my big brother will delight in telling him to get me back for the "Randy smokes pot" incident. Whatever. I won't be the one to show him I've been branded.

    How do you like my new signature?


  • Mulan

    Okay.........I may have to tell him then. Of course I have the photo in my emails. Hahhahaha.

    I LOVE your little Princess. Very cute!!

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Princess

    NO. Why tell him? If he sees it, fine. If not, better.


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