The Nephilim - What can I say!

by Matty 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Englishman


    Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Excellent points. Odd though that most cultures have some legends re giants, I wonder if the nephilim thing was a way of trying to explain it?


  • TheOldHippie

    Puffsrule asked:
    "What happened to the angels ability to turn back into angels? Why did they die in the flood? I don't have a bible so I cannot look this up."
    They didn't die in the Flood, the offspring, the Giants, did, but the angels returned. Me thinks you are mixing up the Giants with the angels here.

  • Adonai438

    Sorry it took me so long to reply too!!!!!!!!!!
    My 2 cents:
    JW interpretation of Nephelium = Angels that go after earthlings
    Is humorous and shows how they jump to conclusions.
    Genesis 6:4 in the NIV reads:

    "The nephilium were on the earth in those days-and also afterward- when the sons of god went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were heros of old, men of renown."

    The original hebrew supports this translation.

    Notice that it says that the nephilium were on the earth when
    sons of God went to the daughters of men. It does NOT say they ARE the sons of God. In fact it seems to be making a distinction intentinally between them. The last sentence also states they were heros of old and men of renoun. 'They' in the grammar refers back to the 'nephilum'. So these nephilum were really 'fallen angels that lust after earths women' but also were men of old and renoun? They were heros? Okie dokie [8>]
    JW doctrine is a nice mythical sounding story but doesn't match the Bible's account.


  • Matty


    Thank you for that slant on this story – that was most welcome - I would really be interested in other bible translations of this scripture, not really so as I can make any sense of it, but more to fathom out what the bible writer (supposedly Moses) was thinking when he wrote it. Also the reference in Jude begs some investigating too.

    I am beginning to honestly think that this very little story, perhaps overlooked, can do a perfect job at rocking a fundamentalist’s faith in the infallibility of the bible – much more so than getting into an argument into whether there was an earthwide flood or not.

  • bboyneko

    If god didnt permit them to take human form after they had done their harm, why didnt he use that power of denial to stop them from doing what they did in the first place so he didnt have to drown everyone?

  • d3681

    good point, are we as believers going to judge the angels?

  • PopeOfEruke

    What man, angel, or beast could look down upon this angel and not crack a fat the size of Montana? i ask you.....???

    The Pope

  • Quotes

    Since no one has mentioned this yet: The Nephilim we supposed to have been destroyed in the flood, correct?

    According to the flood story as presented in the bible, only Noah and his family survived --and since they were holy they could not have been Nephilim.

    So why are the Nephilim still around after the "global" flood? Proof: Flood happens in the days of Noah (Genesis Chapter 6 & 7). But in Numbers 13:33, the Nephilim are still on earth, long after the flood:

    And there we saw the Neph'i·lim, the sons of A'nak, who are from the Neph'i·lim; so that we became in our own eyes like grasshoppers, and the same way we became in their eyes."
    Interesting! The Nephilim somehow survived the "global" flood!

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • LDH

    Quotes, simply amazing.

    Also, don't the JWs preach that the reason humans are imperfect is because Adam had sinned? They say that if ONLY eve sinned, humans would still be perfect because, after all, women are only carriers of the greater species and don't contribute at all to it!!!

    In fact, I'm POSITIVE I've heard this before because it is the rationale for how Jesus came to be born 'perfect' out of an imperfect woman.

    So, if that is the case, how come 'perfect creatures' couldn't have been born out of a sexual relationship between and Nephilim and a human?

    (ps Mulan, quite frankly, the women angels saw the raw deal women humans were getting and decided the sex wasn't worth it, LOL. They became Lesbians.)


  • seedy3

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