1914 countdown card in 2014 Yearbook

by jwfacts 25 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Well, at least CTR was anti-organization. Think about it, he never thought things would go beyond 1914. He sold his business and threw all his effort into preaching. Sure he was wrong about all kinds of things, but I don't think that he purposely set out to build a cult/real estate empire. Also, he didn't DF people for disagreeing with his ideas. Then comes Rutherford......

    I am NOT suprised by this chart. The standard practice of any Corporation or Political Organization is similar. First order of business, hide the ugly facts about your Corporation or candidate, ect. If you cannot keep the information from the people, then YOU must leak it before someone else does. WHY?? By leaking it yourself, you create an opportunity to control the damage. You can then present the info in an off-hand way, you can shift the blame, SPIN the info. That is basically the reason that the Proclaimer's book exists.

    The internet cannot be stopped. As time goes by, many JWs will become disillusioned and those ones will find TTATT. Articles like the one above are damage control mixed with mind control and manipulation. The GB say, " LOL.. Yeah some of those Bible students believed some crazy stuff didn't they? How much better to trust the channel that came to being in 1919."

  • pixel

    “Some Bible Students even carried a countdown card so that they could mark off each passing day. Many felt that they would be called beyond the veil, or to heaven, on that date.” Yearbook 2014 p.174

    "some", including the freaking president and founder of the freaking WTBS!!!!!!!!!!

    PS: Spot-on DD.

  • notjustyet

    The scan from the Oct 15 1913 Watchtower says:

    "It is for each to accept or reject the facts"

    I found that they would use the word "facts" instead of "evidence" or some other word. To me, when you use the word "facts" it means

    it is beyond rejection to believe otherwise. It's like they were trying to allow themselves room for a later rejection of looking to a certain date but at the end of the sentence they insert a word that does not allow room for any other conclusion but to believe what they are pointing at.


  • Gayle


    THIS chart was not done by someone"s personal hand chart>>THIS was 'machine' printed,,people didn't have Excel then to do some 'individual' chart like that. Wish there was some way to investigate who did it?.. I suspect very much it was done at BEthel.

  • sir82

    I still just shake my head....

    The utter hubris of people thinking they have figured out "God's plan" to the day, or even year....and then, when people believe them, and it doesn't come to pass, blaming the people who were foolish enough to believe you.

    And then, in the modern-day 1975 twist, threatening them with expulsion / alienation from family/friends if they don't continue to believe you, afterward.

    Amazing when you think about it.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • wasblind



    Maybe some Bible Students would know about that card?

  • AnnOMaly

    I've asked on ChannelC forum - someone on there might know.

  • wallsofjericho

    Many felt that they would be called beyond the veil, or to heaven, on that date.

    Many felt?????? tell me, who printed that card??

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