Tomorrow's World - Some WT like Mag delivered to my residence.

by Band on the Run 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My mailbox contained more than the usual collection of catalogues that I can easily go online to view. A WT mag called Tomorrow's World from an unkown group was mailed to my home address. I don't need such garbage in my home. It is not normal for me to receive Christian literature. If I want it, I will order it. Although I was annoyed, I found no identifying info. My fear is that somehow someone here may have my contact info.

    I could be wrong. It is creepy how violated I feel.

    It is a wonder Witnesses don't end up dead for boundary violations.

  • blondie

    from an unkown group

    Actually, it is from the original Worldwide Church of God, now headed by Roderick Meredith...

    Tomorrow’s World is sponsored by the Living Church of God under the leadership of Roderick C. Meredith, one of the original evangelists ordained in December 1952 by the late Herbert W. Armstrong.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I used to see ads for them when I was here. It would be nice if they said who they were or why you were chosen to be a victim.

    Thanks for telling me. I truly feel it has something to do with this site. Besides the ads here, I have nothing to do with any similar group.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    BOTR: " WT mag called Tomorrow's World from an unkown group was mailed to my home address.... My fear is that somehow someone here may have my contact info."

    How or why would anyone here have your home address?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Someone has it. I can't think of any group I would have any occasion to give my home address, too. It could be random. I suppose I suspect this forum b/c of the ads that lingered for months. They freaked me when I first saw them so I went to wikipedia and read about a split in the Armstrong church. ARmstrong's group always bothered me. It was spookier than the WT. I believe there were some accusations of fraud and law enforcement involvement.

    I do have one acquaintance who may have given it to them. She knows that I will hunt her down if she did. This is the problem. You assume people are normal. They quote Dylan lyrics for hours. Manage jazz groups. Wham, you are being preached to after you expressly told them how much you hate it. You have legal skills. You make a firm assertion that you will sever the relationship if need be. Wham - you are being preached to by a vibrating orgasmic Jesus nut. They can pass as normal. It is not fair.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    BOTR said: " You assume people are normal."

    OK, I see the problem! :)

    Seriously, "Return to Sender" is something to consider if you are receiving unwanted mail.

    And if there is someone who may have given your address out I would ask them.

    Every so often, I receive unsolicited mail which goes directly into the recycle bin.

    Anyway, was there anything of interest in the mag? A new end of the world date?

  • 2+2=5

    I fail to see the what the big deal is.

    I get religious crap in my mail box regularly, I don't panic or feel violated, I just throw it in the bin and never give it a second thought.

    That works for me, try it out and see how you feel.

  • LV101

    I, too, receive info card, flyers, from various churches in my area. It would be interesting to take a peek at something from "Tomorrow's World."


    Sometime things happen to us in life that are just 'random events'. I suspect this is one such event. No need at all to go over the edge about something that most likely has absolutely NOTHING to do with you personally. Forget about it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Aren't there lists of people and their addresses that magazines and others sell to advertisers and other magazines?

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