I know my reaction is b/c of the Witness years. It is spooky b.c I recently braved reading JW.org. What was written on JW.org bore no relationship to the religion that dominated family life for generations. The general public is not being told the truth about Witness beliefs. What they actually say is not false in a legal sense. It is more lying by omission. There seems to be a link between Armstrong's group and the Witnesses. When I called a NYT reporter, the reporters mentioned that both groups were going through similar upheavals. Both involved heavy handed control over membership.
So, yes, certain things bother me that would not bother me if I were raised Presbyterian or some other respectable religion. I don't like flashbacks to the Witnesses. It is all right here b/c of the membership. I feel surrounded by like-minded people. i worked in jails. There is no way I would show up for work in a jail now. I had enough to last a lifetime. I acknowledge and respect almost all beliefs. Some I cannot. It is not content as much as attitude that bothers me. I don't go visit Pentecostal or fundie religions. Everyone makes such choices in life. Everyone.
The First Amendment protects my associational beliefs. This is my trigger in my life. Granted, you may have other triggers. You are not better than I am. I need a zone of privacy in life. My home should have special protection. Witnesses have no right to preach on private property. For those who are unaware, privacy rights have become a major concern in the world Think Edward Snowden. I will survive this magazine. Lord knows I am tired of receiving about 15 catalogues per day. True, they are from my favorite stores. But a simple Google search brings me to their websites where online versions exist. One unwanted magazine will not result in the breakdown of western civilization. My larger concern is how I fit into their advertising scheme. Addresses are bought and sold repeatedly. Will I start receiving mail from fundie groups or right wing conspiratists? What did I do that someone would include me in a mailing? I have yet to receive a single piece of mail from any GOP source.
I watched a Meet the Press about data collection and political campaigns. Purchase of cola brands, shampoo, lettuce types, signal political ideology. I came out so high on the progressive side that I appeared to be a caricature rather than a real person. They went through 30 types of grocery store purchases and I had no neutral or GOP item.