Any New Light(TM) for 2014?

by punkofnice 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    2014 is 100 years on from when all the Kingdoms of the Earth were going to end, and god's Kingdom would hold full sway, according to Russell.

    The GB have been virtually ignoring this, just a mention or two, more in the way of an "aside".

    I think they will decide to tackle the problem head-on of Jesus sitting on his arse for 100 years doing two things, namely not much and sod-all.

    They will hail this as the last knockings of the old system, bringing out the old "We must be sooooooooo much closer now!" and "he that endures to the end" etc etc, but dressed up in new garb.

    What they will do is try to heighten excitement for the closeness of "The End" and couple it with not listening to any doubters, using "Peter's" words no doubt.

    Not noticing the irony that the words written about "ridiculers" (Ist Century JWNers) were written because the End had not come in the 1st Century.

    Of course, it will be nothing new, just a re-vamping and ramping up of the old "Do more, the End is near" and "Don't listen to Apostates" that we have seen in the last few years, but I definately expect a new spin on it.

    The Writing Department are working on it right now, trying to find some obscure passage of Scripture to hang it all on, the GB won't know about any "New Light" till Writing have honed it, and Legal have passed it.

    Then the GB read and digest it, and pull it out of their own arses as if it were their own idea.

    Nothing changes.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "New Light":

    suicidal thoughts can be cured within 5 minutes by two janitors who refer to a WT article, question/attack a suicidal person's "integrity", then refer to Job and how nothing you might experience can possibly be all that bad. #1 Janitor then looks heavenward, thanks Jayhoover, and previously suicidal person no longer contemplates suicide.


    The "New Light" is that trained psychologists and counsellors in "the world" have been doing it all wrong.

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