Eduardo & family with kids will pioneer and survive on 10% of his regular income.
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Sort of reminded me of this guy: Father of four quits job after attending Annual Meeting
Other examples:
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by bats in the belfry 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
Eduardo & family with kids will pioneer and survive on 10% of his regular income.
Page 24
Sort of reminded me of this guy: Father of four quits job after attending Annual Meeting
Other examples:
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"questionable sites appeared"
Yeah, that browser history can be a real "blessing" haha. I hope it was good stuff he got busted for!
Brother NVR2L8 can I borrow your phone to google ...jehovahs keeps popping up! Brother NVR2L8 are you an apostate?
"But all of them cooperated and did not spend money on non-essentials"
"non-essentials"= food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education.
Proper response when an elder wants to use your phone:
"Get your own damn cell phone!"
Brother NVR2L8 can I borrow your phone to google ...jehovahs keeps popping up!
Some of them are not the brightest bulb in the drawer, despite wiping software widely available for cell phones.
THE GB have no concept of personal poverty (even near poverty) with family> nO concept of food bills, rent, utilities, gas, car repair, dental, medical bills etc. etc. etc. Not once in the HQ did they have to worry about such things. Even the very poor provide for them.
They say something like "there are rich people that are not happy." My word,, people in poverty are definitely not happy,,depression extremely high among very poor people. The children mirror their parents anxieties extremely.
Unless Jehovah magically gave that brother knowledge of multiple jobs, then the brother provided for himself. I would not want to work for month away from my family either, but that is an extreme example. Perhaps if that guy stuck with hit he could have broken the cycle of poverty. Also, the farmer provided for the jws, not Jehovah. At the most, that anectodal experience[ probably made up] shown that worldy people are nice.