Funds dwindling? Physically tired yet attending all the boasting sessions? Less than 10% of your income? Yet, this idiot is seeking this condition. Why? To serve joke-hova. This is programming people that buy into this smut to accept being poor as a virtue, along with being tired all the time. So now joke-hova is not only programming people to be poor in future lifetimes, but to be sick as well and to do lots of work that has no reward. Why would any sane person wish to serve that thing?
I would rather have 10 times my present income, and do nothing for joke-hova, instead of 1/10 my income and be a regular pious-sneer. I do not trust that thing for anything except that it wishes to use my psychic energy to enslave the world, and prevent me from developing and using it in the process. And to think people are going to be studying that smut in a future boasting session--one probably bogus or embellished experience being used to program as many souls to damnation to poverty and tiredness as will attend. I would rather "I decided to quit field circus altogether and study black magick. In my studies of black magick, I also learned white magick. Together, I used these to put a curse on the washtowel while enriching myself. Now I only need to work about 4-6 hours a month, I am making plenty of money, and the Rothschilds are out of business."