Magwitch----on nature shows I've seen how lions hunt and kill cheetah cubs to eliminate competition for food. I had a very wild outside cat that only ate birds but he killed mice, squirrels, rabbits, chipmonks and everything else he could just for fun.
This photo woke me up
by krejames 57 Replies latest jw experiences
Pontoon, is your cat called Skittles? -
Very cool picture! Those cheetahs look hungry ;)
With all due respect to krejames, it's not awful. It's how cheetahs, and every other large predator, lives. When large predators are exterminated, a biomes health deteriorates as the herbivores, like gazelles and deer, reproduce beyond the capacity of the land to support them, as Aldo Leopold explains so eloquently in Thinking Like a Mountain. It does, however, tend to poke holes in the whole benevolent designer theory.
How is being eaten alive, after being terrified daily by predators chasing you and your babies, not awful?
Yes it's how they live, and it's awful.
"Not awful" would be no overpopulation in the first place, and those that live get to do so in reasonable freedom from fear, torture, hunger, pain and disease.
I've had many cats over the years and none of them killed for hunger. They killed for sport, left the corpses on the doorstep and came inside to eat catfood. They cornered their prey and played for hours with them, preferring them to be half dead so they could have more fun, if I let them.
Dolphins rape, etc. The animal kingdom is brutal and there is no good creator behind any of it.
Pehaps the wicked gazelle didn't listen obey and be blessed. It went to university got a good job and now the 4 pious sneers want to take advantage. It happens all the time in the Kingdumb hells.
darth frosty
I did SAY WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is NOT for the faint of heart ...but it is nature.
Unless this Leopard is also part of satans organization
That picture represents nature to me - it's the way nature has evolved.
I came to believe there was no god because of human suffering and human evilness...if there was a god , he was sitting back doing sweet blow all to help correct the inhuman and evil behaviour of millions.
👍 What Rebel8 said. Nature is brutal. A loving designer would surely have designed the process of life and survival differently.