What's the next big organizational change you predict could happen?

by Island Man 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • John_Mann

    I always thought about some drastic change in field service, but now I think it will never change (stop) because is a Sisyphus task.

    I don't think they will change anything about the blood. The doctrine already is a mess and almost every JW knows it's already a kind of conscience.

    I think they must change the 144K doctrine, there's no way to go on with that. They will never speak again about the trumpets and conventions, that's so embarassing. The entire revelation book is a hot potato.

    I think they are heading to a more cultish form than a mainstream one. And the reason beyond that is the GB 2.0 wants to be cult rock stars. And will be worse when they completly leave Brooklin.

  • trujw

    I think there is going to be another high ranking defection in the next few years.

  • trujw

    As far as doctrine not much just little bs stuff here and there that the masses will orgazem over as a sign of Armageddon coming. unless money starts really drying up or membership starts to take a dive.

  • snare&racket

    There is something about Anthony Moriss III that makes me think something will happen with him. Such a huge ego can't be so anonymous with a global organisation at his feet. I know that is vague, maybe he will initiate a head governing body role, maybe he will tour, maybe he will do some kind of global annual, online talk? His humility is somewhat lacking and he likes the sound of his own voice, he seems hungry for attention. The last 10 years the GB have strived to become anonymous for legal reasons.... I think he will stand out as different in that regard.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I see them trotting out GB members and sharing their stories to show that they were "contemporaries" of the 1914 anointed. They will each have some story of Brother Smith or Jones or whoever welcoming them to the club when they first partook.

    That, and I could see them finally finally finally go to 2-day conventions and one-day circuit assemblies and try to keep as much as possible at the Assembly Halls to keep money in-house.

    Otherwise, I really see them trying to pick up the urgency of the end times. That urgency has really slacked off. They won't ever directly say it, but they will indicate there's some kind of link with the 120-years thing with Noah. They will keep mentioning how the overlap generation is getting old.

    And print will keep reducing.

  • Paralipomenon

    I see them phasing out the blood card and eventually just making it a personal decision. Courts are ruling against them and they are being crucified in the media.

    They need to get rid of the most controvertial teachings to get off the cult radar. The blood is a big one, shunning is the secondary one. There has to be someone at the big table that can add two and two together. They don't want people talking to "disfellowshipped" ones out of fear that they will learn the truth about the organization. But promoting shunning, they end up turning these people into advocates against the Watchtower and given their history the arsenal is loaded.

    If they keep on the current path, they will experience crisis. The current generation doesn't feel any urgency to preach. They do the minimum because there is no longer a marker for how close the end is. The generation is dead, the Watchtower isn't setting any new dates, so people are relaxing for the long haul.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This may be a little off the topic of 'organizational change' that Island Man had in mind, but I really think more and more elders will wake up/wise up and start stepping down due to the many unexplainable and ridiculous WT doctrinal changes of recent!

    I know of a few individuals who have the reputation of being up til recent really admired 'company men' who have suddenly stepped aside. My guess is they're pooped-out.....tired of the GB's shenanigans and otherwise stupid capers!

    Elders and MSs alike stepping down or just doing less and less 'reaching out' is going to force the GB to behave desperate and make more uexplainable and ridiculous doctrinal changes.

    One thing is for certain, count on the empty-headed GB 8 to make more empty-headed changes!

  • Phizzy

    Inactive ones of more than 1 year will be declared enemies, non-JW's, by virtue of not declaring the good news. And are to be treated as DA'd.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Of all the ideas speculated above, I agree with Phizzy:

    Inactive ones of more than 1 year will be declared enemies, non-JW's, by virtue of not declaring the good news. And are to be treated as DA'd.

    There has already been a lot said about even being cautious in choosing associates who are "in the Truth(TM).

    Second, using the existing, paid-off Assm Halls on more occasions allows them to rake in more profits than having to rent facilities. Thus, the Annual Meeting will be a regular event to use up a couple additional weekends at all AssmHalls. The more they can be utilized for DistConv the better that will be for their bottom-line".

    Third, there was a rumor on this board a few years ago about the CO position being discontinued and having Prominent Elders in the circuit (or nearby circuits), such as the current Sub-COs, take their place. That didn't happen. Perhaps reducing the CO visit to once per year, and having the Sub-COs visit for the semi-annual visit would allow the expense of keeping COs to be cut in half, and said to be a "training" program for the Subs.


  • Gayle

    not a big deal,,but they could easily make 30 hr aux. pio. available 'every' month of year.

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