wt stage bloopers this weekend yours & mine---

by prologos 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    May be 90 000 wt speakers mounted the KH, CA, DC stages this weekend, all believing in the "talking snake--" and many will firmly plant their foot in the mouth, without realizing it.

    here is our gem:

    talk on true friends: illustration on friends "not- to- have" :

    2 friends go HUNTING. A grizzly bear approaches, ready to attack; -- one friend puts running shoes on, other friend protests: "you can't outrun a grizzly!" first friend:

    "I don't have too, I just have to outrun you, my friend. (laugh, laugh). critical thinking at JW level.

    going hunting, forgot you had guns?

    more brilliant gems in your venue?

  • WTWizard

    And suppose one has the power to befriend the grizzly? That would be the other option--and, if the washtowel is going to leave me to the bear, and I manage to befriend the bear, I might just assist the bear in attacking the washtowel. In fact, if one would quit panicking, one might realize that the bear is your friend and really wants you to be free, while the "mother" really wants you enslaved. That is the case with joke-hova--that thing is the "mother" that wants you enslaved while all the "bear" (Satan) wants is for you to be free.

    Sometimes having common sense is better than trying to outrun bears--or Demons. Realizing that Demons are your friends takes away the fear of being possessed. That also takes away the fear of trying to do anything that advances the condition of your soul. It's the angels, joke-hova, and the scum they created and programmed to undermine your psychic powers (of which jesus is foremost) that is your enemy. Let the "bear" attack your "friend" the washtowel and joke-hova.

  • prologos

    wizard, nice try at allegorical applications. There was a documentary on a man, who and later with his girlfriend decided to live among the bears, befriend them, being accepted by them, and one night he got eaten in his tent and the lady whith him.

    believing in angels is bad enough, demons? thank you.

    The off-colour joke-analogy from the platform I related was not meant to have deep meaning. just entertainment.

  • hoser

    Our elder giving the public talk gave an illustration about a pilot of a commercial airplane not taking the advice about flying into bad weather. The only problem with this illustration is that commercial traffic flies at an altitude higher than the weather systems.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Nice to see an illustration re-used over and over again. I think I heard it in a talk 30 years ago.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I have found that the mind numbing boredom of these talks is broken by an occasional quasi-applicable joke or humorous quote like that. Those talks are the ones that are always spoken of afterwards as being "the best". And why not? Its the closest thing to leaving the dogma trail for a chuckle all day. A speaker like that is worth his weight in gold.

  • JustVisting

    That's the result when you have under-educated people who try to use things they have no knowledge of in their illustrations. Commercial jets fly above the weather? Duh, the R&F don't know that!

  • Oubliette

    The dumb thing is that, instead of HUNTING, they could have just been HIKING.

  • notjustyet

    " Then one Jw says to the other, we've been out here hunting for a few weeks without any contact with the news what if Armegeddon has occured and we just don't know about it yet? What if the the bear has reverted back to being a vegetarian and means us no harm, what if.. oh,.. my effing god!! He's biting down into my SKULL, I can't BEAR, NO PUN INTENDED, THE PAIN!!! OH MY GODqfqw qwd sdqwefqw qef wheeze,... wheeeze,... weeeeeeeeze,.. slobber,.. blood oooozze dribble sound,.. wheeeeeze,.. why,.. why would jehovah,... why would,... jehovah let that bear,.. why would jehovah let that,. bear eat part of,.. part of my brain,.. if he's now a,.. if he's now a ,. a ,.. a vegetarian,..... I see the,.. I am starting to see, the , the new light, it's like it's a bright white light right inffront of my eyes,... "


  • prologos

    oubliette, joli oubliette, godd point the reporter might have heard wrong may be they were not hunters, but campers. not carrying their gus, bear spray.

    point is Wt will defend its integrity, its image to the last jw.

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