Probably the best LisaRose being cold pressed.
Paleo Diet. What do you think?
by DATA-DOG 42 Replies latest social physical
I have never believed in a "diet"aside from the common sense, made from scratch, whole foods, reasonable natural fats, and 6 small meals a day with the supper meal being the smallest, the breakfast and dinner one being the largest. Cut liquid calories to a minimum. Get away from processed foods. Get tested for the gut ulcer causing bacteria and acid reflux. I really like jarrow brand probiotics since whole raw milk, and even keifer is not readily available to give you the very healthy flora bacteria we need. Supermarket yogurt is just not going to get it. Make it yourself! SUPER easy todo. My persian friend makes it in a pot sitting in the laundryroom overnight. They have it with every meal. Non sweetened is important.
When I developed gestational diabeties the glycemic index book was very helpful for me too understand how that works. It is a lifestyle diet we all should be familiar with when choosing foods.
NO artiificial sweetners EVER.It is a massive cause of imflamation among other things.
Now, how I have developed an anorexic condition I can't figure out. I know so much about nutrition, but I have an aversion to food for two years now! I used to be the queen of homemade soups and home made bread, lots of color on each meal plate. (Medication and stress/emotionallly caused I'm sure)
Doofdaddy, thank you for your trite and crass response. However, perhaps you should review what the Paleo diet is all about. I apologize if you do not understand about nutrition, foods, how it effects the body, etc., and "this particular diet" or my subsequent point on soy pertaining to processed foods. Let me assure you, I have a complete understanding of what I am discussing, and you are quite incorrect in your assessment, look up the word nutraceutical or food scientist if you need to. Perhaps, I write too technical for the novice. Please read my comments again, and do your homework. Look up some references and discuss something of relevance besides attacking the author. I will be happy to explain anything you have questions on. including what the Palo diet accepts and does not, what processed foods are and lipids in general.
You do realize that you cannot “live” off coconuts, they will cause bloating, gas, pain, constipation and diarrhea.
I agree with your argument on the western diet to “some extent” however you realize that I am trying to help you make your point. :-)
LOL I'm done with you Bud. Yeah you used great references LOL! You need to look into paleo as it may help you control your (online) temper...
Faithful Witness
Paleo diet is hard! Good luck to you, and I hope it makes you feel better. I think it would be hard to eat like that forever. The diet I try to follow, is similar to the Paleo diet, but you can have grains and few more foods.
I have had success with the Virgin Diet (By JJ Virgin). Eliminate 7 foods that can cause inflammation: soy, wheat, dairy, peanuts, sugar, corn, eggs. You follow this 100% for 3 weeks, then introduce the foods one at a time, to see what bothers your system.
I suffer from ulcers, due to the fact that I have a small stomach (gastric bypass). My doctor prescribed a PPI, which inhibits the acid in the stomach. My ulcers are cured. I think my intolerance to wheat and sugar is worse because of my surgery. I learned a lot on this diet, but still lack discipline to eat right, so I get sick a lot.
While on the Virgin Diet, I lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks (mostly bloating), my stomach went flat, I had even energy, less mood swings. I felt great! I introduced wheat, and noticed my face and hands were puffy, my knuckles were stiff. Sugar gives me a bad stomachache and bloating, so I look like I am 3 months pregnant. It's funny, you don't realize how sick you are, until you feel better. (I'm starting again on Monday, I really am! haha)
I wish you success, and I hope you find what works for you!
I have done a lowcarb diet before, I found it to be an easy diet to stick to, at least in the short term. If you get the carbs low enough your body goes into ketosis, it's burning fat for fuel. There was a few days when I first started where I felt bad, but after that I felt fine, better even. Many of the criticisms of it are not true IMO. I had people telling me my kidneys would fail, which is silly, I didn't not eat that much protein, certainly within normal range, a healthy kidney can easily process that amount. Proteins and fat are very filling, you don't tend to binge on them. I have also heard you don't eat vegetables, which is not true, I ate a lot more vegetables than before. The downside of the diet is that you get sick of it and miss carbs, I don't know that many people who kept on it long term. It did get weight off very fast, so for the short term it's fine.
Since that time I found out I was gluten intolerant, so that may explain why I felt good on it.
I don't exactly buy the Paleo concept that we need to eat the way Paleo man did, as we evolved to eat that particular diet. That was the diet they had available, not necessarily the perfect one for them. We have evolved since then and are still evolving. I do think the typical American diet is not good for us, we eat too much sugar, too much processed food, too much junk, not enough fruits and vegetables and fruits.
So I looked into the Paleo diet some more, I found a really good book on it (Practical Paleo) I have been transitioning into for almost two weeks now. I didn't want to abruptly go onto it as I have found that changes in my diet upset my system. So far, so good. It's pretty easy to stick with, not as low carb as I expected, it's more about not eating gluten, sugar, grains and beans. Since I already ate gluten free, it wasn't that much of a change. I think I have already lost a few pounds and my blood sugar levels has been more stable, so no sugar cravings. I have been on a medication that has made it almost impossible to loose weight, so this is very encouraging. My last blood test indicated I was pre-diabetic, so getting off the blood sugar roller coaster is great also. I am eating far more veggies than before, so that has to be good.
My biggest hurdle was letting go of my morning bowl of cereal. I have known for a while that the cereal was not that good for me, but due to various factors, I don't feel good when I first wake up and cereal is my go to comfort food. I first cut down the amount by half. Then I mixed the cereal with half slivered almonds. Now I have yogurt, a small amount of fruit and the almonds. My main problem is that you are allowed a little dairy, but only if it is full fat, unpasteurized and from grass fed cows. I don't even know where I would get that, and I am pretty sure I couldn't afford it if I did. My organic 2% milk will have to suffice, although I have cut down on the amount quite a bit.
I also like that the book does different versions of the diet, depending on any health issues you have, they have menu suggestions for each version. It has some great recipes too.
I came up with an egg recipe for myself. I love bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and avocado sandwiches, but since I can't eat bread I came up with scrambled egg version. I used one egg, two slices of bacon crumbled up, diced tomatoes, a few spinach leaves instead of lettuce, and some avocado. After cooking I added a teaspoon of mayo on top. It was yummy. I don't think bacon is actually encouraged on Paleo, but I am not eating strictly at this point.
Avocado and egg are two of the "perfect" foods from what I read.
have you tried almond milk? It's tasty.
I also only eat full fat dairy, and ( try to) avoid processed anything.
I think all diets are hard because of the media. I did the master cleans a number of years ago (maple syrup diet) and what I notice the most is how much of TV revolves around eating both in commercials and in the shows themselves. Add to that smell from restaurants, layout of supermarkets, billboards, your peers, etc... and you have a recipe (pun intended) for very difficult time sticking to any diet.
My wife is proof that full fat dairy does not make you fat. Like you she only eats full fat dairy products
I do kind of think that wheat products may be a big cause of being overweight.
I feel like I could eat bread continuously without ever becoming truly full and satisfied.
Check out the book wheat belly which has some fairly lenthgy explanations on why wheat is bad.