Do You Consider Yourself An "Apostate"?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • EndofMysteries

    By the bible, the WT and it's leaders are the apostates. From the old testament to the new, all the signs of false brothers, false prophets, wolves in sheeps clothing, the bad shepherds, to obey them and not check and verify their teachings, the deceptions and lies, etc, seem to match them and their teachings.

  • LucidChimp

    "Point taken. I'm an apostate."

    That right there ^^^, is why you are not a Dub... The ability of reason is just not a Dub priority.

    (Nor is irony)

  • nicolaou

    Whooo HOOOOO! Minimus you are my brother and I love you ,)

  • minimus

    good discussion


    As it happens, I left the Watchtower Society because I didn’t want to be part of false religion.

    Hold on, wasn’t the Watchtower Society founded for the same reason? That's why its founders apostatised.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm an apostate it makes me laugh. Oh I tell my work friends to answer the doorand say to the JW's I'm an apostate don't come back.....

  • clarity

    The word apostate was associated with the phrase..


    Such a dark scary connotation has been attributed to

    the word, that it can really ring a loud bell for a jw!


    I am not an apostate ... everything I was taught by

    the witlesses has proved to be wrong ... not my fault...

    they 'moved the goal post' not me!

    I am instead a smart goat who got the hell out!


  • nicolaou

    Clarity, whether what they taught was right or wrong really is beside the point.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Proud to be an Apostate (would make a great T-shirt or Bumper-Sticker)

  • Oubliette

    No. I am not an apostate. I no longer wear religious labels invented by power-hungry control-freaks.

    Point of fact: The GB has apostatized from the religion which I joined in the '80s.

    The reality is this: they have the control, they can change the rules and no one can question them without sanction. They label people to demonize them and cause fear among the remaining "faithful," to prevent the R&F from thinking about WHY anyone would possibly disagree.

    What they think of me is irrelevant.

    Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!- It's a cult!

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