by You Know 150 Replies latest social current

  • You Know
    You Know

    Several enemies of the Watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: “Let the games begin.” Indeed, I too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak. But, what exactly are we to expect when once the “games” commence?

    The upcoming Dateline expose, in all likelihood, will only be the opening salvo of attack upon Jehovah’s Witnesses that will only intensify going forward. The Dateline program will have a two-fold impact, in that it will no doubt stumble some of those who are on the fringe, who are perhaps just studying, or those in our midst who are actively looking for something to stumble over. But, there is a saying that bad publicity is better than no publicity, so the upside is that some outsiders may be drawn to ask the Witnesses about what’s going on, and of course the organization will circle the wagons and draw closer together.

    The most significant aspect of any future persecution, though, is the timing, in that the troubles facing the organization are now situated in a period of great uncertainty. The world presently, despite all illusionary impressions to the contrary, is on the verge of a global catastrophe that simply defies imagination. The so-called economic recovery is a mere chimera, evidenced now by the increasing financial outflows out of the U.S., and the fact that the “almighty” dollar is, at last, coming under enormous downward pressure in the currency markets. Gold is starting to pop. The global financial system will shortly be facing its most challenging tests. (Click here for a great explanation of derivatives and how a “rogue wave” can, and in all probability will, obliterate the global financial system.)

    America’s New War appears to be in a lull, and yet, students of history may recall the so-called Phony War, so-called in its initial stages, which later became known as the Second World War. The next terrorist’s attack, if severe enough, could well mark the start of WWIII. In all probability, terrorists already possess WMD, but have up to this point been prevented from using them by Jehovah’s restraining angels.

    At any rate, what Jehovah’s Witnesses are facing is not merely some bad press, but, simultaneously erupting events, potentially, can trigger the actual conclusion phase of the entire system of things.

    The Watchtower, contrary to popular opinion among Jehovah’s Witnesses, is not, nor has it ever been, Jehovah’s organization. Jehovah’s organization is spiritual in nature. You might say it is a virtual organization as opposed to a brick and mortar institution. That being the case, the actual brick and mortar establishment is expendable. But, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., serves as a visible representation of the invisible organization, so in that respect it is an appropriate target.

    Dozens of Psalms are actually prayers evoking the name of Jehovah, which to the present moment stand frozen in time, only to be thawed during the heat of our final trial. Interestingly, numerous Psalms call upon Jehovah to take up our legal case. That is a clear indication that the Watchtower’s legal team ain’t gonna cut it when it gets really bad. Appropriately, only Jehovah God will be able to save us from the calamity coming upon us. That’s why Psalm 54 says:

    O God, by your name save me,
    and with your mightiness may
    you plead my cause.
    O God, hear my prayer;
    Do give ear to the sayings of my mouth.
    For there are strangers that have
    Risen up against me,
    And tyrants that do seek my soul

    Indeed, let the games begin / You Know

  • Celia

    Good morning You Know !

    But, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., serves as a visible representation of the invisible organization,

    Good one YK ! You have such a great and fertile imagination...
    You should write fiction.
    I am certain your books would be best sellers.

  • Englishman


    The Watchtower, contrary to popular opinion among Jehovah’s Witnesses, is not, nor has it ever been, Jehovah’s organization

    Good, good...

    But, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., serves as a visible representation of the invisible organization,

    Reminds me:

    Knock knock!

    Who's there?

    The invisible org!

    Sorry, I can't see you right now!


  • Celia

    Ahahahahahah ... Good one !
    How is the weather in your beautiful see coast town ?

  • Englishman


    It's a beautiful day, sun, bird-song, even my surfinia's are starting to flower. My daughter is staying with us this weekend just prior to No. 1 son's imminent departure to OZ, so it promises to be an excellent day.


  • joelbear

    Clearly Jehovah needed to allow thousands of children to be sexually molested in order to test our faith in the visible representation of his spiritual organization.

    Yeah, makes sense to me.


  • joelbear

    rouge wave

    Cosmetics will destroy the financial system.

    I always suspected this.

  • ChuckD

    And even if the terrorists don't have W.M.D., then they are likely to have R.O.U.S.

  • sleepy

    Will we play British Bull Dogs?

    I used to love that game in school.

  • Englishman

    Is that anything like Sleepy lions?


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