Answer my questions you moron.
Time's up boy, go eat your ice cream cone before it melts. LOL / You Know
by You Know 150 Replies latest social current
Answer my questions you moron.
Time's up boy, go eat your ice cream cone before it melts. LOL / You Know
You don't have an answer because the whole scenario is ridiculous. Its right out of Alice in Wonderland.
I got time for plenty of ice cream. I think I'll go buy some Phish Food to celebrate my victory over you.
You must admit that Robert is an admirable and highly successful proponent of the 'Cage Rattling Class'.
In fact Jeremiah himself railed against the ‘Cage Rattling Class"
26 "‘For among my people there have been found wicked men. They keep peering, as when birdcatchers crouch down. They have set a ruinous [trap]. It is men that they catch. 27 As a cage is full of flying creatures, so their houses are full of deception. That is why they have become great and they gain riches. 28 They have grown fat; they have become shiny. They have also overflowed with bad things. No legal case have they pleaded, even the legal case of the fatherless boy, that they may gain success; and the judgment of the poor ones they have not taken up.- Jeremiah 5:26-28.Now ten guesses who springs to mind when you read those verses…
Now ten guesses who springs to mind when you read those verses
I don't need any guesses. The verse is directed to those who are wicked among those whom Jehovah called "my people." So obviously the verse applies to Jehovah's Witneeses since we are Jehovah's people. That's what I have said all along that God's judgment begins with us. / You Know
Is that because you are at a loss for words when it comes to advocating/defending the exploitation of children that is rampant in your cult? - 144thousand_and_one
---------------------------------------------------------------------No, I don't think I have ever been at a loss for words. The reason I didn't respond is because your allegations are simply preposterous.
Preposterous? You mean like all the false predictions of the end of the world that your cult has issued? I was there in 1975, our congregation even had it down to a month - October.
Sadly, the manipulation of parents by your cult to coerce their children into performing uncompensated marketing services on behalf of the WTS is more than preposterous; it is despicable and deserving of legislative intervention on behalf of the multitudes of innocent children that are being exploited in this manner by your cult.
The reason you've been side stepping this issue is because you don't have a good answer for it. There is no excuse for the exploitation of children that is encouraged by the WTS.
Similarly, why is it that your cult doesn't provide child care services or other activities for children during the meetings? Meetings are simply too long and too boring to expect kids to be able to sit still and quiet through their duration. - 144thousand_and_oneAgain, you have no answer for the question, but you did stoop to the use of a childish personal attack instead. Apparently, you think abuse of children is a "funny" subject, one worthy of jokes. The only joke is on you, because you are the dummy who is advocating a child abuse and exploitation cult that controls all facets of your life.
--------------------------------------------------------------------I bet you can sit for hours playing fiddling with the controls of your gameboy though, right? Be honest now. Does mom and dad know you are surfing the Internet now while you are supposed to be working? LOL ---- You Know
YK says :
Sad fact is, must people don't want to know the truth about God.
Jehovah's Witnesses don't know the truth about God, as they don't know the truth about anything else.
Some old men in Brooklyn have invented a tortuous, complicated, mind boggling story, wrote thousands and thousands of magazines about that story, changing it from time to time to make things more interesting...
This has nothing to do with God.
There are a lot of good stuff in the Bible. I take the good, forget about the bad and the outdated, just try to use the good.
That's enough. I don't need to read millions of pages of lies and half truths that change depending on the mood of the old geezers in Brooklyn. They have no clue what the Bible is talking about.
Sadly, the manipulation of parents by your cult to coerce their children into performing uncompensated marketing services on behalf of the WTS is more than preposterous; it is despicable and deserving of legislative intervention on behalf of the multitudes of innocent children that are being exploited in this manner by your cult.
According to your warped thinking the state is guilty of exploiting children because they require attendance at school. Actually, your thinking is even more demented than that. You are saying that parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit. Are you a neo-Nazi perhaps? / You Know
According to your warped thinking the state is guilty of exploiting children because they require attendance at school. Actually, your thinking is even more demented than that. You are saying that parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit. Are you a neo-Nazi perhaps? / You Know
You Know,
Your fallacious reasoning is illustrated here by your use of false analogy. First, the state does indeed require attendance at school (or home schooling), but the state never requires children to perform uncompensated labor on its behalf (i.e. marketing services, "going out in service"). Parents who heed the message of the WTS are requiring their children to perform labor (i.e. marketing functions - "going out in service"), on behalf of your manipulative cult. These situations are clearly not analogous, notwithstanding your ignorant attempt to present them as such.
Your response reveals another weak debate tactic. If you can't win the debate, create your own modification to the opponent's stance on the issue and argue against the falsely characterized message of your opponent. Where have I ever said or implied that "parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit?" Witness children are not being "trained," they are being exploited and abused for the benefit of a corporation cult.
You're calling me a neo-Nazi? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Your cult is a bastion of fascism, replete with secret judicial committees that sit in judgment of the personal lives of cult members, elders to enforce the rules, and unjustified beatings for children.
It's time to wake up, You Know, and smell the dogshit on your shoes.
No doubt the brothers at headquarters take great comfort in the knowledge that most apostate Dubs are such morons. LOL / You Know
LOL at You Know who actually believes the "brothers at headquarters" really believe it's really the truth. How sad.
Your quote:
"Be amazed then"
You know, the reason I ask is that I sincerly DOUBT the claim that you are a JW...
Put it this way:
I have been lurking on this board a long time and have seen your posts, I have been talking to my family for some time, telling them of the things I have discovered on this board, obviously they are upset, they feel this board is the worst possible place I could be, conversing with ex - JW's.
I told them that it is not just "apostates" on this board, but people from other religions, bible researchers, atheists, even Jehovahs Witnesses.
My mother refused to believe me. She said that there is absolutely no way a Jehovahs Witness would be talking to apostates, especially on a forum devoted to apostasy.
I told her that there was indeed a very active poster who consistantly claimed to be a Jehovahs Witness.
Her reaction
"Not a chance, this person is an apostate, they are on the net to stumble any witnesses visiting"
I asked her why this would be stumbling them
"Because if any other witnesses accidentally got on the forum and read it, they would think it was o.k to talk to apostates because this person is - this is one of the very clever techniques apostates use to get witnesses out of the truth."
After I thought about this, it kind of made sense.
So, YOUKNOW, I hope you can see my confusion here.
As far as I can see it, YOUKNOW, your being here is HELPING the apostates - you see if you are INDEED an apostate, well you are doing a good job with what my mother claimed she believed you were doing.
If you are a witness, well, I think you are kind of really far away from what I am sure you are trying to do.
Either way, the apostates win. You Know?