I need to take this opportunity to plant a seed of truth to my wufe. REMEMBer subtlety is key! Her part is Was Jesus raised a spirit body?
Need help!!!! My wife has a part on whether Christ was raised a spirit body...
by DS211 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Or actuakly its "Jesus did not go to heaven in a physical body"
Hm should i use Luke 24?
36 While they were speaking of these things, he himself stood in their midst and said to them: “May you have peace.” 37 But because they were terrified and frightened, they imagined that they were seeing a spirit. 38 So he said to them: “Why are you troubled, and why have doubts come up in your hearts? 39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you see that I have.” 40 And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. 41 But while they were still not believing for sheer joy and amazement, he said to them: “Do you have something there to eat?” 42 So they handed him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he took it and ate it before their eyes.
Sounds fleshly to me, otherwise why wouldnt they be able to find the body ;-)
Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. - Acts 1:11
Jesus, in his actual crucified body, the one that could be touched, the one that bore the wounds and stripes of punishment is the one that went to heaven as witnessed by hundreds. "THIS SAME JESUS" in that physical body willl return in like manner. End of discussion.
Another line of thought is to ask her if Jesus showed FAKE WOUNDS to Thomas in order to get him to believe in the resurrection -- manufactured wounds in a manufactured body.
The usual WT answer is that Jesus had to do this in order to get Thomas to believe, but that means Jesus was forced to use false evidence. Couldn't he have instead have spoken to Thomas from heaven (as he did with Saul of Tarsus) and told Thomas things only Jesus could know? That would have convinced Thomas without Jesus having to present bogus wounds to him...
Just trying to come up with ways to get her to think about whether the WT spin really makes sense.
Make the conversation about Field circus. The part is speaking to a householder. We know FS is all about recruiting into a cult, so get her to think outside the box about how she can recruit the householder with this topic. Keep using the word "recruit" when you talk about the householder, repetition for emphasis.
Well thats my idea, see what others say. Kate xx
I don't suppose it would be prudent at this juncture to slip a copy of Dawkin's "The God Delusion" into her reference list? No, didn't think so.
Baby steps it is then.
DS211, it seems odd to me that you ask people here for help planting seeds of TTATT, but you don't give any information about what you actually consider to be the truth! Do you believe that the Watchtower has absolutely everything wrong? Do you still believe in the Bible? Or are you agnostic or atheist?
Because as it is, you are inviting people to simply share whatever their personal beliefs are. Surely even a broken clock is right twice a day, meaning that the Society occasionally has a view on the Bible that is defensible? What do you personally find wrong with the idea that Christ was raised in a spirit body?
Without knowing what you believe, I don't see how you can hope to hurriedly (your posts seem to be typed as quickly as possible) grab random bits of advice from people on this board who are, frankly, not experts, but simply a motley bunch of folks who have widely varying beliefs. This only results in a confused, desperate-sounding attempt to discredit the Society every step of the way. It's a bit like if someone doesn't like someone else and spends all their time criticizing everything the other person does. No one observing this will be convinced by the negative talker, but rather will wonder what the criticizer's problem is.
So I'm wondering if you've got any direction to your attempts to help your wife, any end goal as far as a target belief system of your own, or if this is just, "Help, help, I need to discredit everything the Society writes so my wife will stop believing." Because I gotta tell you, this has a 0% chance of success.
Steve lol.
Apog-- First- im exploring what my beliefs are. Im actually researching for once and also getting pointers from people on this forum who have been through similar experience. I find different viewpoints not only interesting, but helpful.
I dont believe they have everything wrong, i wish it were that simple.
Second--i believe ive stated what i found wrong with the above idea. However this is something that came up last minute, i see a chance and decide to ask for advice so i can get something together--not to necessarily prove the WT wrong i guess but to get my wife to open her mind to explore the idea that something else might be there.
Fir example: Kate/Sam suggested i use it as a fiekd service thing---which luck will have it my wife already thought was a good idea. (Thanks Katewild).
Third- I respect your candor and criticism (constructive no doubt). And i appreciate it because, and im sure many lurkers here will attest to, i have been a prisoner for years....So i also have to learn how to think critically again. So yea at this moment i found a strange circumstance in which my wife doesnt understand something and i jump on it. I have a goal--get my famIly out. A belief system? Im not sure, but my goal is to exercise my right to learn from as many perspectives as i can to help decide for myself. And i owe it to my wife and children to give them that right also.
Atheist, agnostic, muslim, whatever--it doesnt matter because Based on the Bible (the book she studies from) did Jesus get raised as a "physical" body or "spiritual" body? Not based on what you think but whats the Bible say vs the WT? If theyre right theyre right and i move onto another topic. But if not and i can offer my wife the chance to think outside the bubble im gonna take it....
i apologize if this isnt a solid answer for ya Apog but thats all ive got so far.
What is it you suggest? I form my own belief system then get my wife to adhere to that?
Start with John 14:6 where Christ says HE is the TRUTH (not the WTBS)?
Loz x