Can you prove Jesus existed outside of Bible (so called) evidence?

by punkofnice 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    Fisherman - This is the thing. Just what do we accept? It certainly is a conundrum.

    Probably, we all have our own threshold of belief.

  • Fisherman

    Punk, I can understand not believing in Jesus, that requires faith. That he truly was a historical person does not require faith.

  • cofty

    Fishy I didn't say Josephus was unreliable. The references to JC in Josephus are later additions. There are no reliable references to JC outside the bible.

  • shepherdless

    Just to respond to one of Fisherman's arguments, the concept of "Anno Domini" (ie calculating years starting from the alleged birth of Jesus) was invented by Dionysius Exiguus in about 525 AD. Before that, the Julian calendar and other calendars were based on names of Consuls or other rulers, and the number of years they had been in power.

  • punkofnice

    I believe one foul cause for belief is 'confirmation bias'.

    Wiki says it best -

  • Onager

    @Fisherman: All the days of the week are named after gods. If you use the argument that the Calendar is evidence forJesus' existence then you have to accept that the Calendar is also evidence for the existence of these other gods.

    Cut and Paste from Interwebs:

    Sunday comes from Old English “Sunnandæg," which is derived from a Germanic interpretation of the Latin dies solis, "sun's day." Germanic and Norse mythology personify the sun as a goddess named Sunna or Sól.

    Monday likewise comes from Old English “Mōnandæg,” named after Máni, the Norse personification of the moon (and Sól's brother).

    Tuesday comes from Old English “Tīwesdæg,” after Tiw, or Tyr, a one-handed Norse god of dueling. He is equated with Mars, the Roman war god.

    Wednesday is "Wōden's day." Wōden, or Odin, was the ruler of the Norse gods' realm and associated with wisdom, magic, victory and death. The Romans connected Wōden to Mercury because they were both guides of souls after death. “Wednesday” comes from Old English “Wōdnesdæg.”

    Thursday, "Thor's day," gets its English name after the hammer-wielding Norse god of thunder, strength and protection. The Roman god Jupiter, as well as being the king of gods, was the god of the sky and thunder. “Thursday” comes from Old English “Þūnresdæg.”

    Friday is named after the wife of Odin. Some scholars say her name was Frigg; others say it was Freya; other scholars say Frigg and Freya were two separate goddesses. Whatever her name, she was often associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of love, beauty and fertility. “Friday” comes from Old English “Frīgedæg.”

    As for Saturday, Germanic and Norse traditions didn’t assign any of their gods to this day of the week. They retained the Roman name instead. The English word “Saturday” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “Sæturnesdæg,” which translates to “Saturn’s day.”

  • punkofnice

    Onager - That's some grand copy pasty info.

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    "Since our modern calendar is based upon a fictional event, maybe all other events are also fictional." - Fishface

    Errr.... Over to you Spock....

  • punkofnice

    Bumped for our new friends.

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