I know we talk about how the " life-saving rescue work" is a joke and not effective. Well, here is good example involving a faithful Eldub..
I meet a contractor at work. He knows one of my co-workers who is an Elder, and nice BTW. This guy goes on and on about how long he has know Mr.Eldub and how great he is. The he says how he really respected Mr. Eldub because his faith is so very important to him, and how that faith is central to who he is. Then he says to me, " Yeah he's a Mormon or a, ummmm a Seventh Day Adventist..yeah."
This guy did not know that I am a dub, and it was all I could do to keep from laughing. He looked at me for confirmation or correction and I said, "YEP!"
I was just thinking about how this reflect on the "preaching" work. No one knows or cares about JWism really. Sometimes people remember that so-and-so is a JW because that individual is nice, or honest, or a hard worker. Still, that could apply to anyone. In the end, most just lump dubs in with everyone else and don't really see a difference or know what they even believe.