Because the belief in a flat earth is scientificaly proven to be false .Belief in creationism is believing that all that exists today had to have been brought into being by some process whatever that process was, is what created all we have today. The definition of create is : bring into being, you cant argue you have not been brought into being can you? The education aspect of the WHYs and WHEREFOREs of the subject should not exclude any theories. Again i say lies should NOT be taught as fact.
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?
by nicolaou 77 Replies latest social current
Creationism is commonly used in the sense of God, Adam and Eve, 6 days, etc.
That is as false as a flat earth. If you mean creationism of some other sort, could you explain it in detail?
Creationism could be taught in psychology.
My understanding is that creationism is the study or search if you like of what brought us into being quite simple really.
Nugget are physicists not scientists, they have been pondering and arguing about creationism for years ie the process or cause of why everything has been brought into being hence created hence creationism. By the way god adam eve etc have nothing to do with it but i have definately heard scientists discuss the religious reasoning on it or would you rather they didn't?
"Cofty, why wouldn't anyone in a discussion in school or wherever about the holocaust not be able to learn that some people hold the view that it did not occur ? Similarly a discussion on astronomy/astrology . Each relates to the subject matter, the false or overtly superstitious information or points of view can then easily be debunked by anyone with half a brain .I dont think the route of censorship does anyone any favors."
This is based on the logical fallacy of false equivalency.
Astronomy and astrology do not merit equal time; one is the product of scientific research, including constant scrutiny and reappraisal, the other is a mystical take on the stars.
The same is true of creation vs biological evolution: they do not deserve equal time or equal treatment. The theory of evolution, researched as thoroughly as other theories we take for granted (gravity being one) and constantly compared to the most recent findings and methods, cannot be lumped in with the christian myth of the creation of Adam and Eve.
They do not exist in the same plane; one is science, whose methods have produced explanations for disease, weather extremes, etc. Religion, until recent centuries, blamed these things on demons, sinfulness and the wrath of God. Some christian prophets, including Pat Robertson, blames extreme storms, including Katrina, on the sinfulness of people. (Apparently God is a lousy shot; seems like Las Vegas should be the target.)
Science is not beholden to sacred cows; if it can be disproven, someone will disprove it.
are physicists not scientists,
No physicist on the planet is writing a paper on creationism.
Cant leave you are correct, but you don't have to write a paper on the subject to discuss or reason on it no matter how credible it is.
P off logic:philosophy of reasoning each of the example subjects you mention can easily be disscused together with the aid of logic : philosophy of reasoning.The context in which they are discussed is surely up to the participants to decide .No one should dictate because of a reason of bias the exclusion of a related subject no matter how remote the connection is Please remember the examples quoted are not mine
I had a very broad education and was taught about various peoples beliefs including creation, evolution and flat earth etc. I was interested in the thought that people thought that they would fall off the edge of the earth if they sailed too near. It gives more intelectual flexibility to be able to understand other people's ways of thinking, then you can select the ideas which seem most logical.
The best learning comesf from researching that which you wish to defend. Writing a cited, paper on creationism is a excellent excersize Cofty. Just has having a JW write cited a research paper on the history of the WT etc.. Once a person does real reasearch, that is the point in which they really, really learn.