galaxie - I'm sure nobody would object to a science teacher taking 10 minutes to inform the class that a lot of fundamentalist christians and muslims reject the fact of evolution.
Should Creationism Ever Be Taught In Schools?
by nicolaou 77 Replies latest social current
Cofty I concur.
take it into History Class. The Universe has a history.
Science has a history.
Teach about all the scientists their great work that they did as believers. deists even.
Teach about the paucity of GREAT achievements, seminal work on the atheist side.
teach balanced history.
Teach about the paucity of GREAT achievements, seminal work on the atheist side.
Leaving the slur to one side; this has NOTHING to do with atheism. You really can't see that can you?
Fundamentalists imagine that belief and creationism are synonymous. They are not.
The vast majority of christians accept the fact of evolution.
It is only in Islam and among an extreme brand of American evangelical protestant christianity that we find willful ignorance about science.
On this topic Ken Ham & co agree with the Taliban. It hardly warrants 5 minutes of a child's education to point this out.
I can't get over how fundemental the WT world was, so much so, some people leave and remain fundamentalist despite access to the evidence, despite now having free thought. It is scary!
I wanted all 7 of my children to learn at least one thing:
Schools should teach children HOW to think clearly and not WHAT to think.
There is an emotional component to choices way before there is an intellectual one.
Would it be too far-fetched to say this: the wide variety of religious belief comes from the wide variety of what people WANT to believe to be true?
I'd choose belief in Hercules and Poseidon as emotionally more dynamic and interesting for a child of a certain age than the fellow, Jesus.
Whose Creationism/I.D. curriculum should be viewed as acceptable to everyone if it is taught as science in schools ? Would people accept a curriculum whose authors have a faith background anchored in Islam, or Hinduism, or some other nonChristian religion? I'd wager against it. That should set people's alarms off whether creationism is religious or not. If it is to be taught then it shouldn't be in the science room. Leave provable facts to where it belongs, science.