A young, progressive, kind elder wants to have a chat with me on Sunday after the meeting. Just him and me. We've talked before and been quite open about the judgemental attitudes 'we' have as witnesses, and he was completely in agreement, stating that he's never understood the beard thing among other issues, and wants to see the society moving forward by change.. I've no doubt he just wants to encourage me to up my hours or reach out again, but it's nerve wracking, as I know I'll say something I'll regret. I don't mind explaining that I've got issues with a doctrine or two but that I'm talking with another elder about these issues (true too, a story for another thread) just to get him off my back, so he knows there IS an issue but it's being sorted. If he asks what doctrines, I'll politely decline, but he's a good chap, in one of his answers recently he pointed out the difference between one who doubts and one who is an apostate, and he's known for his love. Mind you, he's also known for having pet projects. Maybe I should just nod, agree, and keep me stoopid mouth SHUT! Anyways, just an update, (like ds211) let's hope our meetings go OK....
Blip! The radar has blipped. I'm on it. 'chat' booked in for Sunday.......
by Captain Blithering 29 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Blithering
Dammit. there were paragraphs in there i promise!
CB: Mind you, he's also known for having pet projects.
Great you're going to be some elders "pet project!"
Captain Blithering
Not good.
If your not ready to start your fade or quit then for goodness sake just smile and nod. Don't talk about doctrinal questions because when you do fade you wil be more readily considered a danger.
be polite and dont give anything away
Black Sheep
You can probably get away with asking a question, but expressing an opinion, especially one he won't like, should be saved until he's knocking on your door asking for your help.
Rufus T. Firefly
If it is just you and him alone, I would not worry, especially if you ask him if the conversation will be kept in confidence. NEVER speak to two elders. I learned the hard way that they WILL lie and use one another as witnesses against you. I prefer requesting that the elder put anything he has to say to you in a letter. That scares them shitless, to put it mildly.
Aaaah the plots thicken then eh cap?
Hi Captain Blithering, Just ask simple questions to help him talk about his opinions. Don't tell him about your opinions. And act like a total blithering idiot with no intellectual capacity.
Sample conversation:
Elder: I think that you need to spend more time out in FS.
CB: Uh ha, What do you like most about FS?
Elder: It is very rewarding to spread the spiritual food before "Wordly" (non-JWs) people and see how amazed they are with the feast.
CB: Uh ha. What is your favorite thing to say to "Worldy" (non-JWs) people?
Elder: I like to tell them how Jehovah needs an organization for his people and the WTBTS is that organization.
CB: Uh ha. How do the people respond to you?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,