I have a success story: One of my cousins! She agreed whole-heartedly with what I told her... just asked me to not go crazy once I am out with bad things...
She said that she wouldn't stop talking to me, except that secretly. She told me she had been talking to my other cousin who is also DF'd, and that she dislikes teaching her son the Bible Stories book with all the killings and bad stuff in the Bible. She had been bad-mouthed by the cousins who are non-thinking-strong-in-da-troof, because she didn't go much to meetings.
What I did differently: I said I had differences of opinion, and that I couldn't reconcile my conscience with a religion that FORCED people to believe everything they said was truth, particularly when it involved lives. I told her about the vaccinations, and how the JW's were warned in 1921 to stop publishing such bullshit against vaccinations, but they didn't.
I told her I was sick of being lied to, and that I took my time to actually verify with my own eyes the things that the "apostates" said. I told her that all the stuff that she's told about "apostates" is not true, that a lot of them are actually very nice people who just disagree with the JW's.
I asked her to visit freedomofmind.org and to investigate how Mormons, Scientologists, and other cults work.
She said... "think about Jesus"...
and I was like, how so?
"Jesus was persecuted for his beliefs in God, he didn't folow the religious leaders, but the Scriptures, and even being God's Son, he was killed."
"exactly! He was the first 'apostate' of the Jewish religion. Those who believed in him were removed from the synagoge."
"And he followed his heart. That's why he was nice to the prostitutes and even the religious leaders."
"Don't the people who expelled people from the sinagogue remind you of someone?"
"Well, who today disfellowships people because of a difference of opinion"?
"well, I have for so many years seen so many injustices here, people have treated us wrongly. lots of stuff. My family knows I am not regular at meetings... I have lost so many years, but I still trust in Jehovah"
"Please, separate "Jehovah" from the JW's!! They are different! I am not saying I stopped believing in God"
"I had problems with people from an assembly. They said vitriolic things... insults... they told me I was a serpent"
"Look, I just consider that this religion which self-proclaims to be "God's channel of communication" is simply not blessed by God"
"I don't care what people think... I serve Jehovah and not men"...