At what point, though, does open-mindedness end? Does being open-minded mean that there are no rules to how we live out life? I wonder what we should base the ground rules of our life on. I think everyone agrees that if it doesn't hurt anyone than it is ok. How do you know that if what you believe is ok, or doesn't hurt anyone now, will be viewed as ok in the future? Do we answer to anyone for our actions? Where do you feel that does allowing someone their beliefs crosses the line into "wrong?"
I am reading an interesting book right now called "Shouting Fire" by Alan Dershowitz. He brings out some striking examples of things that were ok in the past that we now view as heinous crimes...e.g. slavery. There was a time when some felt that slavery was not only ok, but that it was good for the slaves themselves, and supported by God and the Bible. No one will say that it is ok now.
I guess I base my belief in God partly on the fact that I believe that we have to answer to someone, at some point, for our actions. I feel that there must be some higher power, "in the know," that is keeping track of how we live our lives.