<<< What is THIS. I thought someone had been hacking my threads!
oh my God
by ballistic 17 Replies latest jw friends
Ooh! Its the book my dad warned me about when I was little! Get behind me Satan!!
Ads are always difficult to sneak in eh? (well, if no one notices them then they are not much use are they!)
They are not fixed or related to any thread / post or poster.
Where's it gone?
That's kinda neat that you've done that Simon. Will it appear on ever new thread started from here on out? Fred just started a fluff thread and right smack dap in his post is a XJW advertisment, I love it!
Yes, the first post on each thread page.
The adverts are random and are taken from the books on Amazon matching the search keywords "Jehovah's Witnesses" - they are not restricted to 'apostate' books and any pro or otherwise related book may appear.
Very Cool.
That's amazon.com for the US of course.
If you live in the UK, then simply click on the advert and when the page opens, substitute ".com" with ".co.uk" in the address field at the top and press "go". If the book is available in Britain you will then see it available and with the price in sterling. -
Yes, good tip!
Incredibly though, I often find it's cheaper to buy from the US site and pay the postage as the $ to £ conversion sometimes gives us a bad deal (that's for computer books)
I link to the .com site as most people use this and the associate programme they run uses that.
Gosh! Is that so? Thanks Simon. In the future I will have a look at amazon.co.uk and amazon.com and weigh it up between the two!