I had most of the Kingdom Melodies memorized, by number and lyric. People in my hall gave me so much attention for it. How pathetic it all was. Who remembers 23?
"DARK DAYS ARE HERE, MAN LIVES IN FEAR, WITH DIRE EXPECTATION AS TO ALL CREATION. HAVING NO HOPE, BLINDLY THEY GROPE. ALL MANS WORK IS VANITY. But the bible gives us a reason for cheer, due to all the proof that the kingdom is near..."
When I went to the memorial to flaunt my Apostacy I sang out loud and then when we got to the part in 105 Hail Jehovah's First Born that says "Let's Hail Jehovah's firstborn make known his kingdom reign. From house to house keep preaching the cause of truth maintain" I just busted out laughing and said, "Oh sorry I can't say this stuff. I just can't say it." the only people that heard me were the family in my row and one couple in front of me but I couldn't stop laughing.
What songs do ya wanna sing at the next Apostafest? Maybe someone can bring a song book for kicks. I grew up in hicktown and we had a bonfire almost every month and we'd all sing those damn tunes without music. Gosh it sucked!